Bernardi Italian Foods, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

1. Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies 
Bernardi Italian Foods is committed to both the safety of our employees and that of the surrounding public, including both human health and the environment.  Safety is ensured through careful prevention measures and emergency planning.  The intent of our Prevention Program is the minimization of all risks that could possibly lead to an accidental release.  This program focuses primarily on the mechanical integrity of the process equipment and  the training of its operators.  The Emergency Response Plan focuses on minimizing the potential impacts of an accidental release.  This is done by coordinating emergency actions with the Toluca Fire Department and ensuring that employees are trained on the proper response to an emergency situation. 
2. The stationary source and regulated substances handled 
7 Bernardi Italian Foods produces frozen Italian food specialties.  
7 The regulated substance handled at th 
is plant is ammonia.  Ammonia is used as a refrigerant in the plant cooler and freezer system. 
7 The maximum quantity of ammonia stored at this facility is 15,000 pounds. 
3. The worst-case release scenario and the alternative release scenario, including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario 
7 Worst-Case Scenario: Failure of the high pressure receiver for the east engine room when filled to the greatest amount allowed would release 5,900 pounds of ammonia.  Company policy limits the maximum filling capacity of this tank to 50%.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as vapor over a ten minute time span and are subjected to a wind speed of 1.5 m/s with a stability class of F.  The distance to the toxic endpoint for the worst-case scenario is 1.40 miles. 
7 Alternative Scenario: The lifting of a pressure relief valve on the ammonia storage tank for the new engine room.  Relief valves allow the escape of ammonia at  
a total volumetric velocity of 99.8 ft3/min.  Weather conditions are assumed to be average values of 3 m/s wind speed and stability class D.  The valves are assumed to be open 75% of the time during the release as the pressure builds and is relieved.  The distance to this endpoint is 920 feet and extends beyond the facility boundary. 
4. The general accidental release prevention program and the specific prevention steps 
Bernardi Italian Foods believes that the best way to prevent an accidental release is by being proactive in its approach to safety.  This facility maintains information about the proper use of its equipment and the possible hazards.  By following set operating procedures and maintenance routines, the process equipment within the facility will continue to operate in optimum condition.  Additionally, the release prevention program is constantly being improved by sustained employee training and regular compliance audits.  Compliance with all applicable state codes and reg 
ulations ensures the continued safety of Bernardi Italian Foods. 
5. Five-year accident history 
In the last five years, Bernardi Italian Foods has only experienced one significant, accidental ammonia release.  The release happened as a result of a cracked valve on June 5, 1994.  The leak allowed liquid ammonia to escape the system and evaporate.  The accident led to the release of approximately 400 pounds of ammonia.  Plant staff stopped the release by halting the flow.  Outside emergency responders were not called. 
6. The emergency response program 
A well planned emergency response program can make a tremendous difference in the potential off-site impacts of an accidental release.  Swift, efficient actions can minimize the damage to both human population and the natural surroundings.  To this end, Bernardi Italian Foods has coordinated emergency response efforts with the Toluca Fire Department and has instructed employees on the proper actions to take in the event of an accidental  
7. Planned changes to improve safety 
There are no planned changes to improve safety at this time.
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