Dairy Farmers of America, Inc., Monett, MO - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This facility is a dairy products processing plant that runs a continuous operation.  The regulated substance is under the RMP ruling as Anhydrous Ammonia which is used in the refrigeration system.  It is a closed loop system to maintain temperature in the production and storage areas. 
The RMP at this facility involves development of a written emergency response plan and coordination with the Monett Police and Fire Departments.  A written PSM has been developed and employees trained in operating procedures as well as emergency response procedures (HAZMAT training).  Safety procedures have been developed for contractors for work done on site. 
The worst-case release scenario was modeled according to EPA guidelines and evaluated the catastrophic failure of the maximum inventory in the high pressure anhydrous ammonia tank, which is located outdoors at roof height.  No mitigation measures were considered in the off-site consequence analysis.  It is not likely that such an event would occu 
r.  However, the facility is covered by an emergency response plan and has procedures for notifying local emergency responders in the event of an accidental release of anhydrous ammonia.  The facility has been toured by the fire department and procedures developed for response should a release occur.
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