Bakery Chef, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Bakery Chef, Inc. is a baked goods production facility producing baked goods such as biscuits for the restaurant industry.  The facility uses anhydrous ammonia as a refrigerant for food storage cold rooms and freezers. 
A.  Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Plans 
Bakery Chef recognizes management's responsibility in protecting it's employees, the public and the environment.  To this end the facility has an active Safety program with a full time Health Safety and Environmental Manager.  The program includes accident prevention, training, respiratory protection, First Aid/CPR and other programs designed to prevent accidents and comply with OSHA regulations. 
The facility maintains an active Process Safety Management program compliant with 29 CFR 1910.119 and EPA Risk Management Program regulations (40 CFR Part 68).  Ammonia release detectors and emergency shutdown systems are installed to detect and minimize releases.  The computer controlled system is operated by tra 
ined operators who are also trained in Emergency Response Procedures.  The facility maintains up to date On and Off Site Emergency Response Plans which are coordinated with community response plans and responder activities. 
Detailed Operation and Maintenance Procedures have been developed and trained Operational and Maintenance employees operate the refrigeration system.  Operators are trained to recognize and respond to releases and potential system problems. 
B.  Stationary Source and Regulated Substances Handled 
The facility has over 165,000 sq. feet of cold storage and freezer areas.  These areas are maintained at FDA required temperatures by use of a refrigeration system which uses anhydrous ammonia as the refrigerant gas.  Over 300 employees are employed at the facility which is one of the most modern of its kind in the region. 
C.  Summary of Worst Case and Alternative Release Scenarios 
The EPA model RMP Comp has been used to prepare worst case (most unlikely) and alternative 
case (most reasonable, although of low probability) scenario release models for ammonia releases.  The worst case release involves the loss of the entire contents of the largest vessel in the system in less than 10 minutes under worst case weather conditions.  The affected zone is predicted to be within a 1.2 mile radius under these conditions. 
The alternative, or more likely release involves a fitting broken off of a receiver in the refrigeration system during a more common weather condition.  The affected area for this release is expected to be .3 miles (540 yards). 
D.  Description of the Accidental Release Prevention Program 
The refrigeration system is subject to the OSHA Process Safety Management Regulations which require information development, hazard analyses, safety reviews, operator and maintenance training, regular preventive and predictive maintenance and emergency response procedures and training.  The facility audits its compliance every three years and conducts traini 
ng and reviews to ensure that the system continues to operate safely. 
E.  Five Year Accident History 
The facility has not had a recordable accident or release involving the ammonia system within the past 5 years. 
F.  Description of the Emergency Response Program 
The facility has developed and maintains both On and Off Site Emergency Response Plans.  These plans are reviewed at least annually and are coordinated with local response agencies.  The facility is represented on the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).  Plans include notification and reporting procedures, facility and community alerting and evacuation procedures, response and mitigation procedures, training and incident evaluation and followup protocols. 
The facility has emergency responders trained to the HAZWOPER Technician level (24 hrs) available on all shifts.  Sufficient equipment is available to allow a fully equipped Hazmat response On-Site. 
G.  Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
Current HAZWOPER and train 
ing programs are being improved.
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