Glenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Glenwood Wastewater Treatment Plant (GWWTP) is a domestic sewage treatment plant that services the town of Glenwood, Iowa located in the western part of Mills County.  It is located approximately two miles southeast of Pacific Junction, Iowa.  The plant is located in a rural setting and provides service to a population of approximately 4,600 (1990 census).  The plant uses propane as a fuel source for heating the plant, digesters and other unit processes.  The propane is stored in an 18,000 gallon above ground bullet-shaped tank.  Since the density of commercial propane is 4.20 pounds-per-gallon and the fill capacity is limited to 80 percent of maximum, the maximum quantity of propane that is present at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at any one time is 60,480 pounds. 
Any hazardous substance at the GWWTP is handled in accordance with supplier instructions and/or applicable federal, state or local code 
s and regulations to prevent the accidental release of the substance into the environment.  Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and warning signs and placards are either available to the employees or posted in appropriate locations. 
The RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance provided the calculation methodology used to determine the distance to a 1 pound-per-square-inch (psi) overpressure, which is defined as the endpoint for a vapor cloud explosion.  This value is generally recognized as the level that could result in the partial demolition of houses, such as shattered windows and ceiling damage.  The calculation is based on the TNT-equivalency method and results in a hazard distance of 0.32 miles.  No off-site receptors are located within this radius with the propane storage tank at the center. 
No accidents involving the regulated process have occurred in the last five years. 
In the event of an accident involving the regulated process which requires emergency responders, the Pac 
ific Junction Fire and Rescue Team would be notified via the Mills County Emergency Coordinator by dialing 911.
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