Co-Operative Grain & Supply Co. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Cooperative Grain and Supply Company of Bazine, Kansas is an agricultural business which sells propane to our area customers for home and industrial heating during the winter months.  The employees who work in the propane area have been trained on proper safety procedures and practices.  Our facility is designed and maintained in accordance with all local, state and federal rules and regulations.  The plant consist of 1-18,000 gallon tank and holds a maximum of 67,000 pounds.  The worst case scenario would release a vapor cloud and possible explosion with a distance to endpoint of .3 miles.   Public receptors would include a school, residences, park and downtown area.  The companies Emergency Response Plan has been shared and discussed with the Bazine Fire Department and they've agreed to be our first responder in the event of an emergency.
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