South Huron Valley Utility Authority - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The South Huron Valley Utility Authority (SHVUA) has developed this Risk Management Plan because the amount of chlorine, a wastewater treatment disinfectant that is stored and used at the facility is above the regulatory threshold set for this chemical.  Chlorine is stored in one-ton cylinders, with up to 4-1 ton cylinders present at any time.  Two one-ton cylinders are stored within the building, and two one-ton cylinders are stored in an enclosed area outside of the main plant.  All of the chlorine stored at the facility is used for one process; disinfectant of wastewater.  A Risk Management Plan is required by EPA rules (40 CFR Part 68) when a facility stores greater than 2,500 pounds of chlorine at any one time. 
An analysis of a worst case release scenario, as defined by the EPA rules, and a more likely alternate release scenario, selected from trade association guidance was conducted and is documented in this plan.  The laalternate case release scenario indicates that a radius of 
less than one half-mile would be included in the distance to the toxic-endpoint.  In reality, an actual release would most likely affect even a much smaller radius, due to passive mitigation such as the building enclosure, not included in the release scenarios.  The Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 24 hour operation and maintains the chlorination system in accordance with site, manufacturers, and state and federal regulatory requirements.  The facility has established a safety program, and all personnel are trained to manage the chlorine appropriately. 
In the event of a chlorine release, the facility has coordinated with the Wayne County LEPC and the Brownstown Fire Department.  In the event of a release, facility personnel would not perform any emergency response, but rather evacuate the premises and call 911.  The Brownstown Fire Department has the capability to respond to a chlorine gas release and if the release was beyond their capability, the Downriver HazMat Team, Jones Chemica 
l (chlorine supplier) would provide mutual aid.
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