Kern Ridge Growers, LLC (Arvin) - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary 
Kern Ridge Growers, LLC 
Accidental Release Prevention / Emergency Response Policies: 
Kern Ridge Growers, LLC is committed to the safe operations of all of our facilities to protect our employees, the public, and the environment.  All KRG facilities shall operate in a prudent and safe manner.  It shall be the responsibility of the General Manager to ensure that all procedures are followed.  In the unlikely event of an accidental release, it is KRG's policy to immediately call the local fire department and assist this agency. 
It is also KRG's belief and policy to work openly with all local, state, and federal agencies for the betterment of the community and the industry. 
Stationary Source and Regulated Substances: 
Kern Ridge Growers, LLC, Arvin is a carrot grower, packer, processor, and shipper located at 25429 Barbara Street that uses anhydrous ammonia in a closed loop refrigerating system and gaseous chlorine.  The refrigerant charge is 4900 pounds. The chlorine i 
s stored on site with two one ton tanks charging the Fresh Production with chlorine gas.  The gas is mixed with water and acts as a sanitizer. 
Release Scenarios: 
For this document, two (2) separate ammonia release scenios were used: the "Worst Case" as required by law and the "Alternative release" (most likely).  The Worst Case release scenario was based on the high pressure receiver completely filled, discharging 110 pounds per minute for a period of 10 minutes.  Distance to the end point of 200 ppm is .87 miles.   
The Alternative Release scenario was identified through the What-If Study performed on June 4, 1999 at Cal ARP / RMP class held at the Kern County Fire Department instructed by Howard Wines, III.  In an unlikely event of a release the gas / vapor would be discharged to the atsmosphere. 
General Accident Release Prevention Program: 
The following programs and procedures either have been in place or are being implemented at the time this summary was being written. 
fornia Risk Management Program; 
    KRG's Respiratory Protection Policy and Procedures Program; 
    KRG's Lockout / Tagout Program; 
    KRG's Emergency Action Plan. 
Five-year Accident History: 
The last five years have been accident free. 
Emergency Response Program: 
KRG's has an Emergency Action Plan and the local fire department has toured the facility.  Public notification is simply going door-to-door and alerting the residents. 
Planned Safety Changes: 
Currently the safety changes taking place at KRG is management training in RMP conducted by Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association, Kern Chapter.
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