West Bay County Department Of Water/Sewer - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The West Bay County Wastewater Plant is a 10.28 M.G.D. secondary treatment facility utilizing chlorination for disinfection. The stationary source of the stated chemical is the chlorine building (building 400) located in the southeast corner of the complex.                                                                                                            
In 1993 Robert Burditt Consulting inc. was retained to assist staff in all phases of plant safety to include chlorine. In 1994 a comprehensive program was developed by Mr. Burditt which complimented our existing policies. Such plans and provisions contain our Emergency Response Plan as well as our On-Site Emergency Plan. Said plan utilizes the Bangor Township Fire Department and the Bay County LEPC. Activation of these emergency plans would take place under any type of release scenario. Bay County WWTP has had no releases in the past five (5) years. 
Bay County's WWTP status under RMP guidline fall under program three (3) pro 
cess which requires a worst case scenario and an alternative case scenario which is included in Bay County's RMP. Enclosure of the chlorination system is a mitigation measure that is utilized and limits the distance for each of these scenarios. 
Accidental release prevention includes: two-man procedure for changing chlorine cylinders on day shift only,inspection of the chlorine system no less than six (6) times per day, and a chlorine leak detection meter located  in the chlorine feed room and storage area. The alarm system is tested and calibrated quarterly. Chlorine changing procedures are found in the Process Safety Manual and are located in the feed room.  
We have the most technically advanced chlorine feed system, coupled with a comprehensive training, safety program therefore no changes are planned for the future.
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