Lindau Chemicals, Inc. - Executive Summary |
Lindau Chemicals, Inc. is a specialty organic chemical manufacturer. Lindau supplies raw materials to many different industries throughout the world. The primary products produced are anhydride curing agents for epoxy resins. These curing agents are used to manufacture composite materials, electrical and electronic components, and many other products. Other products include coating resins used in concrete and masonry paints and special polymers and additives for the curing agent products. The EPA risk management regulations apply to two flammable substances handled onsite, Butadiene and Isoprene. Both of these materials are essential raw materials for Lindau products and both have been used in our process since the late 1960's without serious incident. This plan covers the storage and use of these two materials at Lindau. These materials are both stored in pressurized steel tanks. Both of these materials are flammable and that is the hazard for which the EPA listed the materials. I soprene is used in greater quantities and so a larger amount of Isoprene is generally onsite. The EPA requires that two types of accident scenarios must be evaluated. The first is known as a "worst case" scenario. EPA's procedures, for flammable materials, assume that the contents of the largest tank are instantaneously released, vaporized, and immediately disperse to a flammable cloud which then explodes. An actual occurrence of the worst case scenario is extremely unlikely. EPA hopes these "worst case" scenarios will raise the public's awareness of potential accidents so that emergency response capabilities are improved. At Lindau, the largest tank contains Isoprene at a maximum of 150,000 pounds. The radius to the endpoint, from the EPA procedure, includes some homes in the Olympia neighborhood and a large portion of the industrial area along Rosewood Drive. EPA also requires analysis of an "alternative" scenario. These alternative scenarios give a much more realistic estimate o f the consequences of an accident and are more useful for emergency planning than the "worst case" scenarios. An alternative release scenario for Lindau Chemicals has been identified through Process Hazard Analysis and envisions a potential transfer hose failure during unloading a tanker truck. The release amount is 150 pounds of Isoprene because excess flow valves and check valves limit the material released to the contents of the hose and connected piping. The potential hazard from such an accident would be a fire from the flammable material released. Vapor dispersion modeling indicates a distance to the lower flammable limit of less than 300 feet. Beyond this distance there would be no flash fire hazard to our plant or our neighbors. This distance would not reach any homes but would reach the street in front of our plant and an adjacent business. Lindau Chemicals has never had any incidents involving either Butadiene or Isoprene that caused property damage, injuries or evacuation s off site. During the past five years, there has been one occasion that people were evacuated from their homes but the incident did not involve the storage or use of Butadiene or Isoprene. This evacuation occurred in December, 1997 and was the result of a leak and small fire at an Air Products and Chemicals Hydrogen tank at our site. This incident had no effect on Isoprene or Butadiene storage. The EPA Risk management regulations do not apply to our use of Hydrogen. We are not required to report this incident but have included the incident in this executive summary to avoid confusion. Lindau Chemicals, Inc. operates its manufacturing facilities and processes in a safe and proper manner. We have an effective and continuous safety and environmental program incorporating procedures maintained to teach safety, correct deficiencies, and provide a safe, clean working environment, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. All company supervisors, managers, and officers are resp onsible for the enforcement of safety and environmental policies and practices. Lindau Chemicals has a thorough Process Safety Management Program to help prevent releases and accidents like those described above. The program details our procedures for analyzing process hazards and implementing improvements to process procedures. The program includes procedures for safety analyses of processes, called Process Hazard Analysis(PHA). A PHA has been performed which covers the use and storage of these materials. A portion of this program addresses mechanical integrity of process equipment including the storage tanks and transfer hoses. Included in this program is a testing procedure to pressure test hoses used for transferring Isoprene or Butadiene on a monthly basis. This procedure tests the hoses at a pressure about 50% higher than the actual pressure experienced during unloading. Hoses that fail the test are removed from service. This testing procedure exceeds generally recognized indus try practices and we believe is very effective in preventing an accident of this type. Lindau Chemicals, Inc. has an Emergency Response Plan in effect. The plan includes a close working relationship between Lindau's trained Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) responders and the Columbia Fire Department. Firefighters have visited Lindau's facility to become familiar with the layout. Lindau employees are trained regularly on emergency response procedures and notification. Lindau Chemicals, Inc. is a member of the Richland County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Lindau also has a close working relationship with the Richland County Sheriff's Department and works with off-duty deputies to provide security at our plant site. |