City of Ruston - Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

4666 LDEQ Facility ID Number 
The City of Ruston, Louisiana, owns and operates the Ruston Wastewater Treatment Plant.  This facility, centrally located near both commercial and residential properties, houses hazardous chlorine and sulfur dioxide ton containers used in the treatment of wastewater.  Within a separate chemical storage room, all containers are co-located  two of each chemical in use and two of each chemical in storage.  Altogether, there are 8,000 lb of each, chlorine and sulfur dioxide.  This RMP was developed for both covered processes. 
As accident prevention is considered with the utmost importance, the planning and development of this program has been met with much effort.  Although site personnel are trained in the hazards of this chemical and process and are capable of responding to incidental releases, the Ruston Fire Department personnel will serve as primary responders.  The Fire Department maintains a  "B" kit for chlorine cylinder repair.  A 
plan for their response in the event of an uncontrolled release has been developed  for both work day and after-hours events.  The emergency phone number for this agency is 318.255.2121.  Fire Chief Donnie Watson serves as point of contact. 
When modeling the impact of a worst-case release, no administrative or passive mitigation measures were considered.  Thus, the release of 2000 lb of chlorine over 10 minutes in an urban area results in a release rate of 200 lb/min and a radius of impact of 1.3 miles.  This distance affects both residential and commercial public receptors.  No environmental receptors are impacted.  This modeling data was obtained from both the RMP*Comp version 1.06, and the "Risk Management Program Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants" EPA document, October 1998. 
In modeling the alternative release scenario for chlorine, the example used involves a valve shear with a =" diameter hole in the cylinder.  Bernoulli's formula for liquid releases was applied for a  
release rate of 37 lb/min. (No mitigation).  At this rate, over 60 minutes, in an urban topography, the radius of impact was 0.1 miles.  This modeling data was obtained from both the RMP*Comp version 1.06, and the "Risk Management Program Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants" EPA document, October 1998. 
In modeling the alternative release scenario for sulfur dioxide, the example used involves a valve shear with a =" diameter hole in the cylinder.  Bernoulli's formula for liquid releases was applied for a release rate of 400 lb/min. (No mitigation).  At this rate, over 60 minutes, in an urban topography, the radius of impact was 0.4 miles.  This modeling data was obtained from both the RMP*Comp version 1.06, and the "Risk Management Program Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants" EPA document, October 1998. 
The chlorine and sulfur dioxide containers at this facility are received inside the chemical storage room.  Although this room is not air-tight or fully enclosed, passive mit 
igation provided by the structure itself and the terrain of this facility makes the actual occurrence of a worst-case release highly improbable. 
Emergency response has been coordinated with local responders --- the Ruston Fire Department  and the plan elements have been communicated to the Lincoln Parish Offices of Emergency Preparedness.  Fire Department personnel have received Hazardous Materials training.  The details of the accident prevention program were presented to the general public on June 17, 1999, in a public meeting held in Ruston. 
On-site personnel will be trained in the provisions of this plan during June 1999.
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