Skaneateles Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Skaneateles Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is owned and operated by the City of Syracuse Water Quality Management Division and is located at 20 West Genesee Street, Skaneateles, New York.  The facility stores and uses chlorine and hydrofluorosilicic acid in the treatment process.  The maximum amount of chlorine on-site at any time is 20,000 pounds, therefore subjecting the facility to the Accidental Release Prevention Program.  Hydrofluorosilicic acid is not a listed toxic or flammable substance and is therefore not subject to the Accidental Release Prevention Program.  The chlorine system at the facility consists of ten chlorine cylinders each containing 2,000 pounds of pressurized liquid chlorine and two (primary and backup) piping systems for the treatment of water. Chlorine gas is metered into the water injector, which carry the chlorine solution to the feed points in the water mains.   The Skaneateles WTP has not experienced any accidental releases of chlorine in the past five ye 
ars.  An off-site consequences analysis was completed and predicted a 1.3 mile distance to the toxic endpoint for a worst case scenario and 0.6 mile distance for the alternative release scenario.  The distances were predicted through the use of the RMP*Comp program.    The worst case scenario was identified as the release of the total contents of two vessels (only two chlorine cylinders are in operation at any time).  The release would occur in an enclosed space that is in direct contact with the outside air.  The alternative release scenario was identified as the release of the contents of a single one-ton cylinder through a hole in the liquid space of the tank.   The release would occur in an enclosed space that is in direct contact with the outside air.  The Skaneateles WTP is subject to OSHA Process Safety requirements and has documented its all of its prevention program elements in the Risk Management Program documentation which is maintained at the site.  The prevention program c 
ontains information on the process and chemical safety data, employee training, operating procedures, management review of process changes, accident investigation procedures, compliance and safety audits, permits, employee participation on contractor safety.  The facility coordinates emergency situations and accidental releases with the local fire and police departments, the hazardous material response team, and the chlorine distributor and manufacturer.  In the event of an emergency, site personnel are instructed to evacuate the site and contact the police and fire departments.  The Skaneateles Police Department would execute implementation of a community evacuation plan.
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