Huron Shore Regional Utility Authority - Executive Summary |
The Huron Shore Regional Utility Authority has developed this Risk Management Plan because of the amount of chlorine, a drinking water disinfectant that is stored and used at the facility. Chlorine is stored in one-ton cyliners, with up to 2-1-ton cylinders present at any time. A Risk Management Plan is required by EPA rules (40 CFR Part 68) when a facility stores greater than 2,500 pounds of chlorine at any one time. An analysis of a worst case release scenario, as defined by the EPA rules, and a more likely alternate release scenario, selected from trade association guidance, was conducted and is documented in this plan. The alternate case release scenario indicates that a radius of less than one half-mile would be included in the distance to toxic endpoint. In reality, an actual release would most likely affect even a much smaller radius, due to passive mitigation such as the building enclosure, not included in the release scenario. The Water Treatment Plant operates and maint ains the chlorination system in accordance with the Process Safety Management Manual prepared for the facility and with existing plant operations and safety program. In the event of a chlorine release, the facility has coordinated with the Iosco County LEPC and the East Tawas Fire Department. The East Tawas Fire Department has a Mutual Aid Agreement with the Alpena Fire Department, the closest emergency response agency with capability to respond to a chlorine gas release. |