Berry Cogen-42 Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Solar Asset Management Services 
Berry Cogen-42 Facility 
Dept: 350 
The Berry Cogen-42 facility RMP Analysis utilizes a process based approach to identify and evaluate a wide range of failures that may contribute to the release of anhydrous ammonia.  Failure analysis was not limited to mechanical issues, and included behavioral, administrative, and catastrophic events as part of each component evaluation. 
The evaluation team consisted of the Facility Manager, a Lead Technician, at least one facility technician, and a corporate Solar Health and Safety member.  On a functional basis, this unified document allows for the rapid identification and evaluation of ammonia related issues, and identifies control technology and procedures to prevent or minimize a release. 
This Emergency Action Plan was prepared in a joint effort between Solar Asset Management Services, 
operator of the facility and Berry Petroleum Company, own 
er of the facility. 
The Berry Cogen-42 facility Emergency Action Program is established to implement a 
healthy and safe environment in the workplace.  It should be used to ensure that all personnel 
have proper training  and knowledge concerning the evacuation of the facility. 
Principle objectives of the program is to establish a plan for the rapid and orderly evacuation of all personnel in the event of an emergency.  The safety of all personnel at the site is of paramount importance.  This plan is 
designed to enhance the effectiveness of the coordination, communication and response to an emergency. 
This program applies to all Solar Asset Management Services [SAMS] employees, contractors and visitors at the Berry Cogen-42 Facility located at 25121 North Sierra Hwy., Santa Clarita, CA 91321. 
The Berry Cogeneration-42 Facility is located in Los Angeles County, California, approximately two miles from the city of Newhall.  The faci 
lity is adjacent to the Antelope Valley Freeway and is within the recently incorporated city limits of Santa Clarita.  The site occupies 3.1 acres.  It is located on a leveled pad with a barrier (hill) between the facility and the freeway.  The site is adjacent to the Berry Petroleum Company Production Facility and also has sparsely located oil wells around the site.  The area around the facility is basically uninhabited, as the nearest home is approximately 1,600 feet from the site.  The nearest housing project is about 2,100 feet from the site. 
The Berry Cogeneration-42 Facility, owned by Berry Petroleum Company, was purchased in January 1999 from Arco Western Energy.  Steam and electricity are produced and sold to the local power utility company.  There are two General Electric LM2500 turbine generators, each producing 21.5 megawatts of power. 
The cogeneration system electrical power output runs in parallel with the local utility company grid. Electrical 
wer is also consumed by the Berry Oil Production facilities to supply its electrical needs. 
Exhaust heat from the gas turbines is recovered in the heat recovery steam generation system..  All steam produced is delivered to the Berry Petroleum Company for injection into the oil formation for enhanced oil recovery. 
The site is currently operated by Solar Asset Management Services and is manned 24 hours a day.  There are Six personnel ([1] Facility Manager, [1] Lead Technician-I, and [4] Technician-II personnel) assigned to the facility. 
Anhydrous ammonia is stored in liquid form in a specifically design storage vessel.  Ammonia is stored at ambient temperature in the pressurized horizontal storage tank with typical quantities of 7000 to 9000 gallons.  When ambient conditions do not significantly promote the vaporization of liquid ammonia, a vaporizer is utilized to heat the liquid to its boiling point to produce vapor.  The vapor ammonia is sent to a mixin 
g chamber where it is mixed with air.  The resulting vapor ammonia/air stream is then injected into the HRSG.  This, in conjunction with the catalyst within the HRSG, allow for the reduction of NOx and other unwanted materials being sent to the environment.  The exhaust gas, containing a lower concentration of NOx, is then sent from the HRSG to a exhaust stack. 
The application requirements of this California Accidental Release Program is for the product of  
Anhydrous Ammonia utilized in a process for emissions reduction with a Inventory capability 
ABOVE the specified threshold quantity for Anhydrous Ammonia of (10,000 lbs.). 
In accordance with USEPA guidelines, a worst-case release scenario involves a release of the contents of the 
largest quantity of a regulated substance from a vessel or process line failure that results in the greatest distance to a specified endpoint.  The largest quantity should 
be determined taking into account administrative controls such as procedures that could limit the quantity of a substance that can be stored in a vessel or pipeline at any time.  The worst-case release scenario is also defined by pessimistic meteorological conditions, including an atmospheric stability class F (stable atmosphere), wind speed of 1.5 meters per second (3.4 miles per hour), and an ambient air temperature of 250C (770F).  Because Facility 42 is located in a developed area, urban conditions were assumed to estimate the maximum impact. 
Anhydrous ammonia is stored in liquid form in a 15,000-gallon tank.  Administrative controls limit the amount of ammonia in the tank to be 9,750 gallons. 
To model the release, it was assumed that the entire contents of the ammonia tank were released over a ten-minute period from a one-inch diameter hole in the tank.  For the SLAB model, it was assumed that the release would consist of a mixture of 81 percent liquid and 19 percent vapor that 
would form an aerosol and behave initially as a dense gas.  The release was assumed to occur at ground level (0 meters height). The plume extends to 2.8 miles from the release point. The actual direction of the plume would be dependent on  
the wind direction at the time of release.  Approximately 38,000 people live within the area potentially impacted by a worse-case release scenario. 
The alternative release scenario represents a more likely release scenario than the release of the entire contents of the receiver.  This scenario was identified during the process hazards analysis that was conducted for the facility and was based on the results of the analysis.   
The scenario involves the release of ammonia from a 2-inch fill line at the tank.  The process conditions for the line include an operating temperature of 00F and a pressure of 114 pounds per square inch (psi).  It was assumed that the ammonia is released through a half-open fill line. 
 The release from the area was assumed to occur over a 17.5-minute period based on the hazard analysis.  The release height was assumed to be at ground surface. 
The plume potentially extends to 0.2 miles from the release point.  Less than 100 people are estimated to live in the area potentially impacted by the alternative release scenario.  No sensitive receptors are known to be within this area. 
The health and safety of all employees is the top priority. 
Ensure that all safety precautions are followed when performing startup, loading, and operations activities. 
All affected employees are to be familiar with this program and follow its procedures. 
Training of involved personnel on the program is required. 
Employees will be given a initial orientation as to the purpose for this RMP manual. 
Employees will be advised routinely as to the development stages of this RMP manual. 
Employees will be advised of the developments concerning the ha 
zard analysis discussions and 
Employees will be given opportunities to discuss suggestions or concerns towards this manual. 
Including the ongoing hazard analysis development. 
The CalARP  guidelines definition for accidental release states "An unanticipated emission of a regulated substance or other extremely hazardous substance into the ambient air from a stationary source". 
There have been no accidents or unanticipated emissions of a regulated substance at the Berry Cogen-42 Facility since ownership of Berry Petroleum Company beginning January 01, 1999.   To the best knowledge available there has been no accidental or unanticipated releases of the regulated substance  
[Anhydrous Ammonia] in the past five years. 
Berry Petroleum Company maintains two levels of Incident Command Systems.  The first level involves 
on-site incidents with limited exposure.  In these incidents the Foreman, or highest-ranking Berry employee 
on site, shall assume the Incident Commander duties and assign responsibilities as needed.  The Level 1 and 2 Incident Command System Organization Chart is adopted to assist in assigning duties. 
A Level 3 incident, which involves off-site implications, the highest-ranking Incident Commander-trained Berry person on site shall assume the Incident Commander post.  If this is a escalation from a Level 1 or Level 2 incident, the outgoing Incident Commander shall be reassigned to another position as needed.  The Level 3 Incident Command System chart is adopted to assist in assigning duties.
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