Sunday House Foods - Executive Summary

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Executive Summary 
Sunday House Foods, Inc. 
Sunco Avenue 
Fredricksburg, Tx. 78624 
Sunday House Foods Incoprorated, a division of Promised Land Foods, 
with one local location at Sunco Avenue, Fredericksburg, Kendall 
County, Texas, has been in operation since 1958. We are a grower 
and processor of poultry and poultry products. When fully staffed, 
we employ 325 people at the Fredericksburg operation. Our product 
line consists of smoked and fully cooked turkey and chicken 
products which are shipped thoughout the continental United States 
as well as exported to many countries overseas. 
Sunday House was purchased by Mission City Management, Inc. in 1992 
and has remained in operation since that date. The company continues 
to do business as Sunday House Foods Inc. with joint ownership in 
both the San Antonio and Springfield, Missouri areas. 
We provide the required "worse case release" and " alternative 
release" scenarios for our operation as follows: 
(These scenarios were created using RMP C 
OMP (tm) provided by the 
A.) Accidental release of ammonia (NH3) 
B.) The physical state of this release was gas liquefied by 
C.) The quanity released was 12.000 pounds. 
D.) The rate of release was 1,2000.0 per minute. 
E.) The release duration was 10.0 minutes. 
F.) The wind speed was 1.5 miles per hour. 
G.) Our atmospheric stability class is F. 
H.) Our topography surroundings are urban. 
I.) The distance to the endpoint is 0.60 miles 
J.) The estimated residential population within distance to the 
   endpoint is 64 residents. 
K.) We have public receptors within distance to the endpoint. 
L.) We have no environmental receptors within the distance to the 
A.) Accidental release of ammonia (NH3). 
B.) The physical state of this release was gas liquefied by 
C.) The quanity released was 1,000 pounds. 
D.) The reate of release was 100.0 pounds per minute. 
E.) The release duration was 10. 
0 minutes. 
F.) The wind speed was 3.0 miles per hour. 
G.) Our atmospheric stability class is D. 
H.) Our topography surroundings are urban. 
I.) The distance to the endpoint is 0.10 miles. 
J.) The estimated resdential population within distance to the 
   endpoint is 1 resident. 
K.) We have public receptors within distance to the endpoint. 
L.) We have no environmental receptors within the distance to the 
We fall under the federal mandated Process Safety Management 
Program (P.S.M.) We also follow O.S.H.A. as well as the IIAR 
guidelines closely. We have several safe guards in place to 
monitor the pressure in our ammonia system and automatically 
react in the case of a problem. We have maintenance employees on 
duty (on site) or on call 24 hours per day and seven days per week. 
We also have a 5 person Haz-Mat Team (Hazardous Material Handling 
Team), with full Haz-Mat equipment at our Fredericksburg plant. 
They receive training on an annual basis from the Fredericksburg 
Fire Dep 
Within the last 5 years, we have had two accidental releases of 
ammonia with the first occurring December 15,1997 in which 
approximately 400 pounds of ammonia was released. This was due 
to a stuck valve which allowed ammonia to enter the compressor 
heads causing the compressor to blow. The plant was evacuated. 
The second incident happened August 18,1998 in which 
approximately 500 pounds of ammonia was lost due to a faulty valve. 
The plant was evacuated for three hours. 
We welcome the opportunity to participate in the Risk Management 
Richard Dillow 
Sunday House Foods
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