D and D Brake Sales - Executive Summary |
Executive Summary of Risk Management Plan D and D Brake Sales, Inc. D and D Brake Sales is a vehicle brake manufacturing facility located in a rural setting near the town of Fortville, Indiana. They utilize propane in their heat processes, with the maximum amount stored at any time being less than 56,950 pounds.If the complete amount was involved in a worst-case scenario the distance to the endpoint of one psi would be 0.3 miles. A more likely event would be the release of propane during a filling operation. Under this alternative release scenario, the endpont would be 0.02 miles, which would not impact the surrounding public receptors. The explosive endpoint would be limited to D and D Brake Sales property. Since they are proximate to schools and since D and D Brake Sales desires to be in full compliance with the EPA, an RMP was completed to ensure safety to the community. In the last five years, they have had no chemical accidents or other problems related to their use annd st orage of propane. Their supplier, Hoosier Propane, is charged with the primary safety and inspection of their propane tank system. This inspection is done each time the tank is filled and an annual, intensive inspection is conducted by the supplier. D and D has a coordinated emergency response strategy with Fortville Fire Department and personnel from the Department have toured the facility and met with management. In case of an incident, the emergency personnel are familiar with the facility and the methology for contacting the principles. |