Western Kentucky Energy - D.B. Wilson Station - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies:  This facility complies with requirements for chlorine use, and it is our policy to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws.  If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to notify the Ohio County LEPC and respond to the emergency. 
A description of the regulated substances handled:  This facility is an electric power generation station.  We used chlorine to treat raw water for plant usage.  The system consists of a one ton chlorine container and associated piping, valves, and chlorine feed equipment. 
The worst case scenario:  Our worst case scenario is the failure of the one ton chlorine container when filled to the greatest amount allowed (88% at 60 F), resulting in a toxic vapor cloud.  According to EPA's RMP* Comp, the distance to the toxic endpoint is three miles.  The three mile radius includes a residential population of 1,135, recreational areas, and major office or industrial areas. 
The gen 
eral accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps:  This facility complies with EPA's accident prevention rule and all applicable state and local codes and regulations.  The chlorine system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with Chlorine Institute guidelines, manufacturer specifications, and state law. 
Five-year accident history:  We have never had an accident involving chlorine that caused death, injuries, property or environmental damage, evacuations, or sheltering in place. 
TThe emergency response program:  In the event of an emergency involving our chlorine system, it is our policy for the operator to close the chlorine cylinder main valve, if possible, and evacuate the immediate area.  If any chlorine release is likely to impact off site, the local emergency services will be notified.  Western Kentucky Energy (WKE) has an in-house team trained to Operations Level for initial response/containment.  WKE employees are trained to us 
e self-contained breathing equipment and have taken OSHA worker right-to-know training.  A local contract response team is available to respond to releases. 
Planned changes to improve safety:  None
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