Schroeder's LP Gas - Antigo - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

(ss. 68.155) 
This Risk Management Plan (RMP) has been developed to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) RMP regulations, 40 CFR Part 68. 
The Schroeder's LP Gas, Inc.  Antigo Facility stores liquid propane in two storage tanks located on the property. The tank system consists of two 30,000-gallon, aboveground tanks and associated piping, which will hold 203,520 pounds of propane when filled to 80 percent of capacity. The purpose of the propane system is for the storage and sale of propane through redistribution to customers. 
The worst case release scenario contained in this Risk Management Plan assumes that both 30,000-gallon tanks fail resulting in a vapor cloud explosion. The distance to the end-point is 0.47 mile. There are public receptors within this radius, with a total population of 17 based upon Landview III, a U.S. EPA and Bureau of Census software program. 
This facility complies with the EPA's accident prevention rule, and all  
applicable state and local codes and regulations. The propane system is designed, installed, and maintained in accordance with NFPA-58  and state law. 
Since the installation of the tanks in 1994, there has been no accidental releases(s) of propane that resulted in deaths, injuries, or significant property damage on site, or any known off-site deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage, or environmental damage. 
It is the policy of Schroeder's LP Gas, Inc., to notify the Town of Antigo Volunteer Fire Department  in the event of an emergency involving either of the 30,000-gallon, propane tank systems located at this facility. A copy of this risk management plan, and other appropriate system information is on file with the Town of Antigo Volunteer Fire Department.  A representative of the Town of Antigo Volunteer Fire Department inspects this facility every six months and is aware of the facility layout. There are no safety improvements planned for this facility. 
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