Crystal River - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

This risk management plan (RMP) is for Florida Power Corporation's Crystal River plant.  The Crystal River facility is an electric generating plant that contains four coal-fired units and one nuclear electric generating unit.  The process affected by Section 112(r) requirements is storage of chlorine, which is used for water treatment.  The chlorine is stored in a dedicated storage area in 2,000 pound cylinders.  The maximum amount of chlorine stored on-site in 1998 was 12,000 pounds total. 
The major hazard associated with the storage of chlorine is the unlikely event of a storage cylinder failure.  Using EPA's OCA guidance, a chlorine cylinder failure was modeled.  A 2,000-pound release over a period of ten minutes was modeled using F stability and 1.5 m/s wind speed.  The model results indicate a distance of 1.3 miles to the toxic endpoint.  There are no public or environmental receptors located within this distance from the chlorine storage facility. 
Releases are prevented through 
the use of well-maintained storage equipment.  There have been no releases of chlorine at the site during the last five years.  In the case of a release, employees implement the on-site emergency response program.  Employees evacuate to safe areas, and highly trained response personnel contain the chlorine cylinder.  The cylinder is prepared for off-site disposal/reclamation. 
Chlorine storage quantities have been reported to, and emergency response procedures coordinated with, the District 5 LEPC, which is the Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council.
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