Consumers Illinois Water Co Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary |
Executive Summary Page 1 of 4 Consumers Illinois Water Company Process Safety Management/Risk Management (KANKAKEE WATER TREATMENT PLANT) Program In accordance with the EPA/RMP regulations, this is the documented management system for [CHLORINE] Program Three(3) process with a clear delineation of overall [Consumers Illinois Water Company] [Kankakee W.T.P.] Management responsibility for the implementaion and lines of responsibility. For all personnel assigned responsibility for individual requirements, this plan identifies the person responsible and is made up of Four (4) areas identified as the [Management System, Hazard Assessment, Preventon Program and the Emergency Response Program]. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM *[PLANT OPERATIONS] Plant Manager: Cynthia M. M unger acting Production Manager has overall responsibility for RMProgram. The following personnel have been assembled as a [PROCESS ANALYSIS TEAM] *Team Leader...................................Cynthia Munger *Team Scribe....................................Donald Denault *Process Expert................................Marty Martin *Process Operations Expert.............Steve Zaucha *Process Maintenance Expert...........Gary Huggins and Donald Rapier HAZARD ASSESSMENT Page 2 of 4 *The Hazard Assessment for [KANKAKEE W.T.P.] LOCATED AT [1100 COBB BLVD.] was prepared by [CH2MHILL] to determine the effects of a accidental [CHLORINE] release and is made up of a [WORST CASE SCENARIO] and [ALTERNATIVE CASE SC ENARIO] for a [CHLORINE GAS ONE (1) TON CYLINDER] *Using USEPA approved Dense Gas Release Model performed the worst case scenario [DEGADIS] Breeze Haz [DEGADIS+2]. *The mdeling for [CHLORINE] simulates only one set of specified meteorological conditions. And is not consideered applicable over a period longer than one(1) or two(2) hours. *[TOXIC END POINT] Is defined as the maximum airborne concentrations below which a Individuals could be exposed for up to one (1) hour without experiencing or developing Irreversible or other serious health effects, or symptoms that could impair an individual's ability to take protective action. *[SOURCE PARAMETERS] Four (4) source parameters are required as input to [DEGADS+] *Release Rate *Source Radius *Discharge Elevation *Release Contaminant Properties *[SCENARIO] Source Parameters [One (1) ton cylinder [CHLORINE] *Release Rate............................................2000 lb. in ten (10) minutes *Release Rate lb./Minute.................................................................110 *Discharge Type.................................................................TRANSIENT *Elevation Discharge (M).....................................................................0 *Source Radius (M)..........................................................................0.4 *[SCENARIO] Page 3 of 4 Chlorine Chemical Properties *Storage Temp. c..............................................................................25 *Molecular Weight.........................................................................70.91 (kg/kmol) *Heat Capacity Equation...............................................................484.2 Coefficient *Heat Capacity Power....................................................................... ..1 *Release Density (kg/m3)................................................................2.95 * [Meteorological Input] for DEGADIS+Air Dispersion. [WORST CASE SCENARIO] *Stability...............................................................................................F *Wind Speed(m/s).............................................................................1.5 *Elevation of Wind Instrument (m)......................................................10 *Ambient Temperature c.....................................................................25 *Surface Temperature c.....................................................................25 *Ambient Pressure (atm).......................................................................1 *Relative Humidity (%).........................................................................50 *[RESULTS] Chl orine Toxic End Point *Facility...............................................................................Radius (miles) *[KANKAKEE W.T.P.]...........................................................................1.5 *PREVENTION PROGRAM Page 4 of 4 *The prevention Program is broken into twelve (12) sections. *(A) Process Safety Information *(B) Process Hazard Analysis *(C) Operating Procedures *(D) Training *(E) Mechanical Integrity *(F) Management of Change *(G) Prestart-up Preview *(H) Compliance Audit *( I ) Incident Investigation *(J ) Employee Participation *(K) Hot Work Permits *(L) Contractors * THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE [Resposibilities] *The plant manager will be responsible for implementing and maintaining the [EMERGENCY RESPONSE] responsibilities. *[The city of Kankakee Fire Department] will coordinate all response activities *[SECURING OF INCIDENT AERA] *[EVACUATIONS] *[ESTABLISH ACCESS CONTROL & ESCAPE ROUTES] *[COORDINATE AMBULANCE SERVICES & TRIAGE TEAMS] *[ESTABLISH COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK FOR RESPONSE UNITS & OUTSIDE AGENCIES] *[Will County HAZ-MAT Response Team] Will be first responders for a one (1) ton cylinder [Worst Case & Alternative Case Release] *[ALERT HOSPITALS OF RELEASE WITH POSSISABLE INJURIES] *Consumers Illinois Water Company[KANKAKEE W.T.P.] will annually conduct emergency response preparedness training in the event of an incident for all plant personnel in conjunction with the City of Kankakee Fire Dept. *The[W.T.P.] manager and the city of Kankakee Fire Dept. will annually review the [EAP] to ensure that it is current and accurate. *The [EAP] will be maintained and keep in the office of the Plant Manager and include the following information. *Employee Names *Topic of Training *Date of Training *Training Duration *Employee Signature |