Three Mile Location - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies: 
    At the Three Mile facility of Monte Vista Cooperative, there are railcars containing anhydrous ammonia parked at the rail-siding on a seasonal basis.  Anhydrous Ammonia is considered a regulated toxic substance by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The properties that make anhydrous ammonia a valuable fertilizer source also makes it necessary to observe certain safety precautions in handling it.  The cooperative and it's employees are not involved with the storage or handling of anhydrous ammonia at this location other than, the railcars being on their siding.  However, it is the policy of the Cooperative and its employees to adhere to all of the Federal and state rules and regulations, so as to prevent unnecessary human exposure and to reduce the threat to the community.  
The stationary source and regulated substance handled: 
    The primary purpose of this facility is to store, repackage and distribut 
e 10-34-0 fertilizer to our customers as a nitrogen source, with it's primary use being for crop land fertilization.  Anhydrous ammonia is stored in railroad tank cars at our rail-siding where it is utilized by an outside contractor to produce 10-34-0 which is then sold to Monte Vista Cooperative.       
    Access to the railcars, valves and hoses are restricted to the authorized contractor who produces 10-34-0 for the cooperative. 
    The only regulated substance handled at the siding is anhydrous ammonia.  The maximum amount that would be stored at the siding on a seasonal basis is 293,250 gallons or 1,715,520 pounds. 
The worst-case release scenario and alternative release scenarios: 
    The likely hood of the loss of the total contents of the largest storage tank on the siding is extremely remote due to the U. S. Department of Transportations controls on the tank cars and the shipment of anhydrous ammonia.  However, if the largest storage tank were to totally fail when filled, t 
here would be a release of 290,325 gallons or 171,552 pounds of anhydrous ammonia.  Federal requirements limits the maximum filling of all tanks to 85% of the capacity at 60 degrees F.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as a vapor.  The distance to the end point of the toxic cloud for the worst case scenario release of 171,552 pounds in a ten minute time period would be 6.9 miles in the rural topography.  This would extend beyond the facility boundary, encompassing public receptors. 
    The alternative scenario would be a hose rupture resulting in the failure of twenty-five (25) foot of two (2) inch hose.  As in the worst case scenario this has not occurred at this facility and if it were to happen the railcar has excess flow valves in place to actively mitigate the gas release.  Again, if this event were to happen and the excess flow valves stopped the flow, the contents of the hose would be released.  The vapor would expand to a distance of 1.58 miles with a concen 
tration of .14mg/L.  The end point for the toxic cloud in an urban topography is 1.58 miles.  This distance would extend beyond the facility boundary and encompass public receptors. 
The general accidental release prevention program: 
    This facility is aware of and complies with EPA's Accidental Release Prevention Rule, with OSHA's requirements and with other applicable Federal and state codes, standards and regulations.  The cooperative does not own, nor does it have any say in the design, construction or maintenance of the tank cars used to transport the anhydrous ammonia or the equipment used to produce the end product.  All corrective and routine maintenance and responsibility for the cars lies with the railroad.  Responsibility for the process equipment is that of the contractor owning the equipment.  Employees of the crop production department at the three-mile facility are not involved with anhydrous ammonia but are made aware of its presents and the potential hazards present 
ed by it.  They receive training to meet Federal and state requirements for hazardous materials.  
Five-year accident history: 
    This site has not experienced a reportable accidental release of anhydrous ammonia in the five years pior to the date of submitting this report. 
The emergency response program: 
    This facility relies on the local emergency response unit and does not have its own emergency response program.  However, employees are familiar with the North American Emergency Response Guidebook, and the local fire department is familiar with the plant.   
Planned changes to improve safety: 
      This facility utilizes state and federal standards as guidelines for the safe storage and handling of all chemicals on site.  At this time there are no further plans to modify or change the facility.
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