| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Risk Management Plan (RMP) 
Executive Summary 
Farmers' Cooperative Association 
McCool Junction, Nebraska 
1.  Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
We at the Farmers' Cooperative in McCool Junction,  Nebraska are strongly committed to the safety of our employees,public and our environment.  It is our policy to implement appropriate controls to prevent possible releases of regulated substances.  If such a release does occur, our personnel are at hand to control and mitigate the effects of the release.  We also cordinate our response efforts with the McCool Fire Department, which provides additional emergency response expertise. 
2.  Stationary Source and Regulated Substances Handled 
We have anhydrous ammonia stored in a 30,000-gallon tank at our facility in McCool Junction.  The maximum amount stored in this tank is 24,000 gallons (122,400 lbs) at the maximum fill capacity of 80%. 
3.  Five-year Accident History 
The Farmers' Cooperative has had an excellent r 
ecord of preventing accidental releases over the last 5 years.  A result of our prevention policies have yeilded no accidental releases during this period. 
4.  Emergency Response Plan 
The Farmers' Cooperative Association maintains a written emergency response plan to deal with the accidental releases of hazardous materials.  The plan addresses all aspects of emergency response including first aid and medical treatment, evacuations, and notification of local emergency response agencies and the public.
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