Jeffersonville Wastewater Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

It is the intent of the Environmental Management Corportation and the City of Jeffersonville to protect our employees and the surrounding community in the event of an accidental chemical release.  Informational training sessions for employees related to appropriate response to a release have prepared them to react in a safe manner.  Our facility is a municipal wastewater treatment plant.  In the process of adequately treating wastewater, disinfection is utilized to eliminate the danger of pathogen discharge.  The Jeffersonville facility utilizes gaseous chlorine for disinfection.  Because excessive residual chlorine has a negative effect on the receiving stream, it is reduced by the use of gaseous sulfur dioxide.  Both chlorine and sulfur dioxide can cause problems if released to the atmosphere.  One-ton cylinders of both materials are stored on site and brought on-line as necessary.  There are usually between four (4) and six (6) cylinders of each on site at any given time.  Two cylin 
ders of each are manifolded together in each of two separate equipment rooms of the chlorination/dechlorination building.  In each room, one is in use and the other is on stand-by.  The worst case scenario would involve the release of one one-ton cylinder of either material.  There has never been a release that could not be routinely handled.  The employees at the facility have been trained respond to leaks and are knowledgeable of the emergencies agencies to notify if a leak could not be repaired immediately.  Simulated release drills will be conducted for all personnel and community notification will be take place with the cooperation of the Jeffersonville Fire Department and the Clark County Local Emergency Planning Committee.  The Environmental Management Corporation and the City of Jeffersonville will continue to monitor the processes utilizing both chlorine and sulfur dioxide, and will take actions in the future to prevent accidental release.  However, if such a release does occu 
r, preparations have been made to mitigate the effect.
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