Cekal Specialties, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

(a) Steps have been taken to prevent accidental release at Cekal Specialties.  An emergency response plan has been developed.  (b)  Cekal handles liquid formaldehyde(37%) in a storage tank and two interconnected kettles.  (c)  The required reporting for the worst case scenario is the maximum amount stored (45000 lbs). Although it is difficult to immagine what kind of unusual catastrophe that could affect a spill of this magnitude, the administrative controls and mitigation measures at Cekal Specialties will fully contain such a spill (procedures, dikes, enclosures, dikes, drains, sumps). The endpoint as per the EPA RMP*Comp would not leave the Cekal Site.    The required reporting for the alternative scenario is the spillage from a transfer hose rupture (1160 lbs). The administrative controls and mitigation measures at Cekal Specialties will fully contain such a spill (procedures,  enclosures, dikes, drains, sumps). The endpoint as per the EPA RMP*Comp would not leave the Cekal Site.   
(d) Detailed Standard Operating Procedures (CBI) have been developed for all aspects of the regulated process.  A comprehensive containment system is in place (interconnected dikes routing any potential spills into an ample enclosed containment pit with locked shut-off valve and contingency recovery valve).    (e) There are no reportable accidents in the previous 5 years.  (f) The emergency response plan includes medical emergencies, spills, fire etc.  A section is included on spill reporting.  (g) Safety  and changes to improve safety are ongoing issues.
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