Southeast Water Reclamation Plant - Executive Summary

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Southeast Water Reclamation Plant 
Risk Management Program 
Executive Summary 
1.  General Information 
Wastewater is treated at the City of Lubbock Southeast Water Reclamation Plant (SEWRP) to become a reusable resource.  The treatment process utilizes both physical and biological processes to produce a high quality effluent.  Recognizing the need/value of water on the South Plains, all effluent is reused for local/area agricultural and industrial purposes. The recently renovated local plant is designed to meet Lubbock's needs for the next twenty (20) years and currently treats approximately twenty-one (21) million gallons of wastewater per day. 
The treatment of wastewater yields liquid and solid components.  The solid portion goes through three (3) processes yielding a product which resembles rich black potting soil.  Currently the solid product is disposed of at the City of Lubbock Landfill.  Research indicates this product is rich in nutrients and may be suitable for agricultural u 
ses in the future. 
The liquid component runs through seven (7) distinct treatment processes. During primary treatment, bar screens filter out rags, sticks and other large items before they enter the plant.  Primary clarifiers allow 60-75% of the solids contained in the liquid to settle out. 
During secondary treatment, aeration basins, the heart of wastewater treatment process, utilize aerobic bacteria to consume materials present in wastewater. These bacteria are quite sensitive to changes in temperature, hydraulic and biological loading, pH, and oxygen levels.  Therefore, this process must be carefully monitored by highly qualified staff personnel.  Secondary clarifiers allow solids and beneficial bacteria to settle out producing a clear high quality effluent.  A disinfectant, chlorine, is then used to kill pathogenic organisms. 
The City of Lubbock Water Reclamation Lab provides the necessary testing to monitor plant performance at all stages of treatment.  This is a vital service  
which ensures proper wastewater treatment and efficient plant operation.  A large portion of the resulting treated effluent is utilized for irrigation at the Land Application Site and Hancock Land Application Site.  The remainder of the effluent is purchased by industry for reuse. 
2.  Accidental Release Prevention and Emergency Response Policies 
Chlorine is present at the Southeast Water Reclamation Plant (SEWRP).  Chlorine is classified as a toxic chemical under the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Risk Management Program (RMP) rule.  Some of the same properties which make chlorine a valuable and necessary component of the SEWRP's operation also makes it necessary to observe certain safety precautions in handling chlorine to prevent unnecessary human exposure, including the threat to plant personnel, neighboring citizens of the City of Lubbock, as well as the environment.  
It is the City of Lubbock's policy to strictly adhere to all applicable Federal and state guidelines  
and regulations.  Safety depends on the manner in which chlorine is handled at the plant, the safety devices inherent in the design of the facility, the safe handling procedures which we use, and the training of our personnel. 
The City of Lubbock Fire Department will respond to any major release involving chlorine.  Our Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is based upon available informational materials related to chlorine.  The ERP includes procedures for the notification of the City of Lubbock Fire Department and of any potentially affected neighbors. 
3.  The Stationary Source and Regulated Substances Handled 
As described in Section 1, the primary purpose of the SEWRP is to treat wastewater to a point that it may become a reusable resource.  Chlorine is received in one (1) ton cylinders by truck.  It is then utilized in disinfecting the wastewater.  Access to the site is restricted to authorized facility employees, authorized management personnel, authorized contractors, and accompanied  
authorized guests.  The RMP regulated substance handled at this facility is chlorine.  The total inventory of chlorine maintained at the SEWRP is twenty (20) tons. 
4.  The General Accidental Release Prevention Program and the Specific Prevention Steps 
The SEWRP complies with all applicable Federal and state guidelines, codes, and regulations.  This facility is also operated in accordance with recommendations from the Chlorine Institute, Washington, D.C. 
5.  Five-Year Accident History 
There have not been any accidental releases of chlorine at the SEWRP within the past five (5) years. 
6.  The Emergency Response Program (ERP) 
SEWRP employees will respond to only minor releases involving chlorine.  More involved releases of chlorine will be responded to by the City of Lubbock Fire Department per the ERP developed by the City of Lubbock Water Utilities Department. 
7.  Planned Changes to Improve Safety 
The Southeast Water Reclamation Plant will continue to improve our operations on a 
n ongoing basis.  Chlorine Institute and additional engineering programs will be reviewed to determine that processes being conducted at the facility are in compliance with the latest safety innovations.
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