Marine Corps Air Station - Cherry Point - Executive Summary |
Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point's accidental release prevention and emergency response policies are to maintain safe conditions for base personnel and the inhabitants of the surrounding communities. This policy is to be enforced through strict compliance with applicable regulations, physical safeguards, rigorous training, and deployment of adequate resources. Accidental release prevention and emergency response are given the highest priority. The Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990 required the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to formulate regulations for managing and reducing the probability of release of highly hazardous chemicals. On June 20, 1996, EPA promulgated the Risk Management Program (RMP) rule (40 CFR 68) requiring any stationary source utilizing greater than a specified threshold quantity of a regulated substance to develop and submit a Risk Management Plan (RMPlan) to regulatory authorities on or before June 21, 1999. Regulated substances in clude 77 air toxics and 63 flammable gases or liquids. MCAS Cherry Point has five processes subject to EPA RMP regulations: 7 Chlorine storage, handling, and use at the water treatment plant (WTP); 7 Chlorine storage, handling, and use at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP); 7 Propane storage, handling, and use at the Commissary; 7 Propane storage, handling, and use at the Laundry; and 7 Propane storage, handling, and use at the Bachelor's Enlisted Quarters (BEQ). Chlorine and propane are used in excess of their threshold quantities of 2,500 lbs and 10,000 lbs, respectively. Chlorine is stored in one-ton containers and used in the treatment of drinking water at the WTP and sewage at the WWTP. Approximately 14,414 lbs of propane are stored at the Commissary in a 3,900-gallon tank. 14,784 lbs of propane are stored at the Laundry in four 1,000-gallon tanks to power large clothes dryers and heat the Combat Pool. XXXX lbs of propane are stored at the BEQ for hot water and comfort heat. It is important to note that, at the time of this writing, the U.S. Court of Appeals has issued an indefinite stay on all propane RMP submittals. It is unclear whether propane will remain on the list of regulated chemicals or be assigned a new threshold quantity. In keeping with the General Duty Clause of the RMP rule, propane processes at MCAS Cherry Point continue to be governed by RMP regulations; however, the propane processes will not be included in the initial RMP*Submit electronic submittal to EPA. This RMPlan summarizes the primary components of the RMP in place at MCAS Cherry Point to correspond with specific EPA RMP requirements, including: 7 Management; 7 Hazard Assessment; 7 Prevention Program 2; 7 Prevention Program 3; 7 Emergency Response Plan; 7 Planned Changes to Improve Safety; 7 Certification; and 7 Registration and RMP*Submit data elements. |