Miners Ranch Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary 
1. Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies 
At the Miners Ranch Treatment Plant (MRTP), Oroville-Wyandotte Irrigation District (OWID) uses chlorine as a disinfectant for drinking water.  Chorine, which is considered hazardous by the Federal and California Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA), is a valuable tool in treating drinking water and protecting the public health.  Chlorine has properties that make it necessary to observe certain safety precautions to prevent unnecessary human exposure to reduce the threat to OWID personnel as well as members of the community surrounding MRTP.  OWID's policy is to adhere to all applicable Federal, State and Local rules and regulations in its effort to safely use chlorine at its facilities.  OWID is committed to the safe design of facilities, safe handling procedures, safe operating procedures and the training of OWID personnel.  This includes our commitment to provide training in the proper procedures i 
n the event of an accidental release of chemicals.  OWID has and will continue to work with local emergency response personnel in exercises designed to prepare both agencies in the event of an emergency. 
2. The stationary source and regulated substances 
The primary purpose of MRTP is to treat raw water to drinking water standards.  The regulated substance handled at this facility is chlorine.  Access to MRTP is restricted to OWID personnel, authorized contractors and Federal, State, and Local regulators.  The total maximum inventory of chlorine stored is 4,000 pounds. 
3. The worst-case release scenario and the alternative release scenario, including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario 
Worst-Case Scenario - A liquid spill and vaporization could release 2,000 pounds of chlorine at a release rate of 110.0 lbs/min. for a duration of 10 minutes.  It is assumed that the entire contents are released as vapor, which is heavier tha 
n air. The distance to the endpoint of 0.0087 mg/L (3 ppm) will be 2.20 miles when released in an enclosed space, in direct contact with outside air. 
Alternative Release Scenario - A pipe leak could release 10 pounds of chlorine at a release rate of 1.0 lbs/min. for a duration of 30 minutes.  It is assumed that the contents are released as vapor, which is heavier than air. The distance to the endpoint of 0.0087 mg/L (3 ppm) will be 0.10 miles when released in an enclosed space, in direct contact with outside air. 
4. The general accidental release prevention program and the specific prevention steps. 
MRTP complies with all applicable Federal, State, and Local rules, codes and regulations.  MRTP operates with recommendations from the Chlorine Institute pamphlets, chlorine suppliers, and chlorine equipment manufacturers.  OWID will provide the necessary training and instruction for employees to prevent accidental releases and be prepared in the event an accidental release occurs. 
5. F 
ive-year accident history 
MRTP has not had an accidental release of chlorine from a RMP regulated process that meets the criteria established by RMP regulation since June 21,1994. 
6. The Emergency Response Program 
The emergency response program has been developed to provide simple instructions to MRTP personnel in the event of chemical spill. Our emergency response program was established to protect OWID employees and the community.  OWID trains with and has discussed with our local Fire Departments Hazmat team how to handle a chlorine release at MRTP.  All MRTP employees have gone through First Responder Operational training and know how to respond to a chlorine leak and the proper way to protect public health and property in the event of a chlorine release. 
7. Planned changes to improve safety 
OWID has operated and maintained MRTP since its construction in 1980 in a safe manner.  OWID is committed to continue operating this facility as safely as possible.  OWID will continue to inv 
estigate all possibilities that may allow us to operate in safer manner.  OWID will provide the training and tools necessary to MRTP employees in an effort to improve our operations.
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