R. M. Levy Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Helix Water District owns and operates the R. M. Levy Water Treatment Plant.  The purpose of this facility is to provide drinking water to over 230,000 people within a 50 square mile area.  The rate payers recently approved the expenditure of over $45,000,000 for facility upgrades to meet more stringent water treatment and chemical handling practices.   The only RMP regulated substance used on-site is chlorine.  A total of 36,000 lbs of chlorine will be stored on-site in a new storage room equipped with a chlorine scrubber system, leak detection systems, and new control/safety equippment.  Over the last 35 years of operation of this facility, Helix Water District has never had an off-site release of chlorine.  Continued attention to safety and investment in facilities should extend the safety performance.  All new facility components on the chlorination system are year 2000 compliant and are connected to a new diesel generator system for emergency power.
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