Chippewa Township Sanitary Authority POTW - Executive Summary |
The Chippewa Township Sanitary Authority POTW is designed to treat an average of 2.13 MGD. Wastewater treatment processes include chlorination for disinfection purposes. Chlorine usage at the plant ranges from 10-15 pounds per day depending on flow conditions. The maximum amount of chlorine maintained onsite is 4,000 pounds. A total of two 1-ton cylinders of chlorine are maintained onsite. A worst case release scenario for the facility involves the rupture of a 2,000 pound cylinder of chlorine. Results of ALOHA modeling indicate offsite receptors within a 2.5 mile radius may be affected by a release under this scenario. An alternate release scenario involves a broken valve on a chlorine cylinder. Values obtained from RMP guidance indicates the toxic end point for an alternate release from the facility would be 0.2 miles. The facility has a risk management policy that requires two employees to be present during all chlorine handling procedures including delivery of chlorine cy linder and exchanging of cylinders at the chlorination system. Facility personnel inspect the chlorination operations on a daily basis. All equipment associated with the chlorination system at the facility is inspected and maintained by an offsite contractor on an annual basis. The facility has an emergency Offsite Response Plan prepared in conjunction with the Beaver County LEPC. There have been no reportable accidents involving chlorine at the facility in the past five years. Changes planned to improve safety at the facility include implementation of this Risk Management Plan. |