Riverwood International - West Monroe - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

2694 LDEQ Facility ID Number   Riverwood International is dedicated to protecting the health and safety of employees and the public by developing and using innovative technologies and processes while maintaining an ongoing dialogue with our customers and public as we strive to eliminate adverse impacts from mill operations.  The mill uses chlorine for process water treatment, which is a regulated chemical.  The worst case release scenario is the release of four standard cylinders of chlorine in a ten minute period.  The alternate scenario is the release of one standard cylinder of chlorine from a line that connects the cylinder to the process water treatment system.  The process water treatment system is continuously monitored by chlorine gas sensors.  A release of chlorine gas will be detected by the sensors which in turn enacts the Emergency Crisis (EC) plan.  The EC plan requires that mill personnel be notified in the event of a release and that the mill hazardous material team atte 
mpt to mitigate the on-site release.  The local emergency response agencies will be notified in the event of a release to mitigate the potential off-site impact.  The local emergency response agencies will notify the public and have resources to handle emergency procedures for releases off-site.
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