FARMINGTON FRESH - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                                                                    FARMINGTON PACKING 
                                                                  Risk Management Program 
                                                                       STOCKTON FACILITY 
                                                                               Prepared by 
                                                                           Patrick C. McCaig 
                                                                            Plant Supervisor 
                                                    7735 S. State Route 99, West Frontage Road  
                                                                         Stockton, CA 95215 
                                                                              (209) 983-9700 
                June 1999 
                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS 
PREFACE                                                                                                                                      PAGE 
I.     INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OF OPERATIONS                                                               l 
ll.    PROCESS, OPERATIONS, AND PROCEDURES                                                                       ll 
      A.  Ammonia Cold Storage System Operational Procedure 
            1.  Standard Operational Procedures 
            2.  Emergency System Shut-down Procedures 
      B.  Daily Maintenance and Inspection 
lll.   TESTING AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE                                                                               lll 
      A.  Daily Maintenance and Inspections 
lV.  DESIGN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SAFETY SYSTEMS                                               lV 
 Ammonia Cold Storage System 
           1.  Passive Design features that minimize risk of AHM release 
           2.  Active Design features that minimize risk of AHM release 
           3.  Maintenance Controls that minimize risk of AHM release 
V.   DETECTION, MONITORING, AND AUTOMATIC SAFETY SYSTEMS                                          V 
      A.  Ammonia Cold Storage System Safety Controls 
           1.  Automated Monitoring 
           2.  Manual Monitoring 
Vl.   ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ACCIDENT HISTORY                                                       Vl 
       A.  Description of Accident 
       B.  Accident Prevention Measures 
Vll.   SUMMARY OF HAZARD AND OPERABILITY STUDY                                                              Vll 
       A.  HazOp Methodology 
       B.  Off-site Consequence Analyses 
            1.  Ammonia Cold Storage System 
Vlll.   ADMINISTRATION OF THE RMP                                                                         
        A.  Personnel Responsible for Implementing the RMP 
        B.  Employee Training 
        C.  Auditing and Inspection Programs 
        D.  Recordkeeping Procedures for the RMP 
Section l 
Farmington Packing operates a produce packing facility and cold storage on South State Route 99, West Frontage Road, in Stockton, California.  Anhydrous ammonia is used as a refrigerant in the refrigeration system in the cold storage facility.  This RMP is concerned with the cold storage facility. 
The cold storage system is a flood-type system and consists of a mechanical room with four compressors, high pressure receiver, evaporative condenser and product cooling coils. 
cold storage room system will contain approximately 10,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia.  The threshold planning quantity for anhydrous ammonia is 500 pounds. 
This system will be operated by trained plant personnel and maintained regularly by licensed and trained contractors. 
Section ll 
1.  Standard Operational Procedures 
    Standard operational procedures for all aspects of operation of the ammonia cold storage are 
    maintained and updated by the licensed refrigeration contractors.  These standard operational  
    procedure include procedure for standard start-up, shutdown, refrigerant recharging, maintenance 
    and leak detection.  These procedures are continuously updated to remain in accordance with all  
    applicable regulations, ordinances, and standards of safe operation.  These procedures are provided 
    to the facility operator, and are to be performed only by qualified, trained personnel with the approval of  
    the licen 
sed refrigeration contractor. 
2.  Emergency System Shutdown 
    Designated plant personnel are instructed how to perform a total system shutdown in the event of in  
    emergency.  Supervisory personnel are trained by the licensed refrigeration contractor: 
    a.)  How to identify a system emergency and its severity 
    b.)  When and emergency situation requires notification of emergency response personnel 
    c.)  How and when to safely shut down the cold storage system or sub-system in the event of such  
          an emergency, and 
    d.)  How and when to contact the licensed refrigeration contractor in the event of any problem with or 
          concern about the safe operation of the cold storage system. 
    System emergency shutdown controls are clearly labeled, their locations noted for supervisory plant 
    personnel.  Additionally, all personnel are instructed how to report suspected system problems to  
    supervisors, who will then follow the above mentioned em 
ergency procedures. 
Section lll 
1.  Daily Maintenance and Inspections 
    Daily maintenance and inspection is conducted by both plant personnel and licensed and trained  
    contractors while the systems are in operation to insure they are operating in a manner consistent 
    with design parameters and standards of safety.  Logs of these operations are maintained by the  
    licensed refrigeration contractors.  These are forwarded to the facility operators as a matter of record 
    and kept on file at the facility.  These maintenance and inspection recorders are continuously revised by 
    the contractors in the event of equipment design modification and/or changes in standards of safe  
    The ammonia cold storage system components installed in accordance with all applicable existing laws, 
    ordinances, regulations, standards, and good engineering practices to the best knowledge of the 
    facility management. 
.  Ammonia Cold Storage System 
          1.  Passive Design Features that Minimize Risk of AHM Release 
               a.)  Pressure Relief Valves: 
                     As described in Section lll, Testing and Maintenance Schedule, Pressure relief valves are  
                     located on the receiver, compressor, and suction accumulators throughout the system. 
                     Additionally, all pressure relief valves are vented to a water diffusion system to prevent 
                     atmospheric release of anhydrous ammonia. 
               b.)  Mechanical Room Location: 
                      The mechanical room of the ammonia cold storage system is located at the back of the  
                      facility.  The room is enclosed and can only be accessed by the locked service  doors. 
                      These enclosures limites accessibilty to personnel and minimizes the possibility of impact 
                      or damage by careless equipment operation. 
           c.)  Cooling Coils and Evaporator Piping Location: 
                       The piping and all of the cooling coils are located above the bin storage room and packed 
                       box storage room, out of reach of all normal operational machinery minimizing the possibility 
                       of damage by careless equipment operation. 
               d.)  Ammonia Piping and Receiver Insulation: 
                      The system piping and receiver vessels are insulated to increase system efficiency and  
                       reduce the risk of system overpressure due to excessive heat gain.  Additionally, piping 
                       is located on the roof of the facility to minimize the posibilty of damage by routine equipment 
                       operation and to provide greater accessibility for maintenance and inspection. 
               e.)  Pressure Equalized Dump Trap: 
                     The system design incorporates a pressure equalized liq 
uid ammonia dump trap that drains 
                     liquid ammonia from the main suction Accumulator, equalizes pressure with the high pressure 
                     receiver, then drains liquid ammonia by gravity back into the high pressure receiver.  This 
                     sub-system minimizes the possibilty of liquid ammonia reaching the compressor which may 
                     cause excessive wear and/or damage and subsequent release. 
          2.  Active Design Features that Minimizes Risk of AHM Release 
               a.)  Compressor High Discharge Pressure Cut-Off Switch: 
                      Each compressor is equipped with a high discharge pressure switch which shuts down the  
                      compressor.  High discharge pressure could be caused by a condenser malfunction,  
                     non-condensable gases entrained in the system, or a closed valve in the compressor  
                     discharge line.  If a high compressor  
discharge shut down is initiated, the system will remain  
                     down until the problem that generated the shut down is initiated, the system will remain down 
                     until the problem that generated the shut down is corrected and the switch is manually reset. 
               b.)  Liquid Level Controls in Accumulators: 
                      Solenoids valves controlled by float switches maintain the liquid level in the accumulators. 
                      When the liquid ammonia level in the accumulator is low, a liquid float switch opens the  
                      solenoid valves to establish ammonia flow into the accumulator.  When the ammonia level in 
                      the accumulator reaches operating capacity, the liquid level float switch de-energizes the 
                     solenoid valve which stops the ammonia flow. 
               c.)  Compressor Controls: 
                      In addition to the system control stated previously, the co 
mpressor is equipped with the  
                      following controls functions: 
                      1.)  Low suction pressure cut-off switch 
                      2.)  High discharge pressure cut-off switch 
                      3.)  Lubricating oil low pressure cut-off switch 
               d.)  Electonic System Controls: 
                     The entire system is computer monitored and controlled.  In the event that any operational 
                     parameter is exceeded, the control system identifies the severity of the fault, shuts down 
                     the relevant system component and notifies maintenance personnel on a 24 hour basis.  In 
                     the event of failure of the electronic control system, the system will shut down.  The entire  
                     system can be controlled and diagnosed via telephone and personal computer. 
          3.)  Maintenance Control that Minimizes Risk AHM Release 
                In addition t 
o the standard operating procedures noted in Section ll, Process, Operations, and  
                Procedures, a system maintenance and inspection check is completed daily while the system is 
                in operation during the facilty's normal operating season.  This maintenance and inspection is 
                described in Section lll, Testing and Maintenance Schedules. 
Section lV 
    Ammonia Cold Storage System Safety Controls 
    1.  Automated Monitoring of the Ammonia Cold Storage System 
         System pressure is maintained within operating parameters by an electronic control system which 
         monitors the high compressor discharge pressure cut-off switch, low compressor suction  
         pressure cut-off switch, low compressor lubricating oil pressure cut-off switch, and liquid level 
         controls in the suction acccumulators.  In the event that operating parameters are exceeded as  
ed by these control devices, maintenance personnel are notified and the system or its  
         components are automatically shut-down. 
    2.  Manual Monitoring and Inspection of the Ammonia Cold Storage System 
         As described in Design, Operation, and Maintenance Safety Systems, the refrigeration system 
         is physically monitored and inspection checks are kept on file by the refrigeration service contractor 
         and forwarded to the facility operators.  During this physical inspection, any possible leaks are  
         detected using sulfur sticks and dragger tubes.  Additionally, pH of the diffusion tank water is  
         routinely checked to detect possible non-atmospheric release through the pressure relief valves. 
Section V 
There have been no accidental release or accidents involving anhydrous ammonia at Farmington Packing 
since the start-up of operations in July of 1995. 
Section Vl 
An assessment of likely failure modes of the anhydrous ammonia refrigeration system was complied during 
the Hazard and Operability Study using the "What-if/Checklist" approach. 
This section of the RMP contains information relevant to the administration and implementation of the RMP. 
1.  Plant Operations Personnel Training 
    a.)  All operations personnel are specifically trained for their responsibility within the facility.  In addition 
          to equipment training, operations personnel receive training in accident prevention and occupational 
   b.)  Plant operations personnel complete a detailed training program for each of their work assignments 
         that include elements from the following: 
         1.)  Overview of the process and the equipment 
         2.)  Safety, including the contents of the "Hazardous Materials Communication Program" and the 
               site specific personne 
l protective equipment use the maintenance. 
         3.)  Equipment operations: 
               a.)  Normal operating conditions 
               b.)  Emergency shutdown 
2.  Maintenance Personnel 
   a.  Maintenance personnel are required to read the available maintenance manuals from the  
        manufacturer before performing any work on each major piece of equipment in the facility. 
        Maintenance personnel receive accident prevention and occupational safety training as described 
        above as well. 
   b.  Plant Maintenance personnel serving non-AHM handling equipment are required to follow the  
        manufacturer's quidlines for serving the equipment and adhere to the licensed contractor's safety 
        guidlines for working near equipment that handles acutely hazardous materials.  Further, all plant 
        maintenance personnel serving equipment near AHM-handling equipment are required to contact the  
        licensed contractor before beginning repairs or 
maintenance.  No plant personnel are authorized to  
        repair or maintain AHM-handling equipment.  AHM-handling equipment repairs and maintenance are  
        the responsibility of personnel qualified and trained by the licensed contractors. 
3.  Auditing and Inspection Programs 
    1.  The Plant Supervisor and Maintenance Supervisor with the Licensed Contractors will conduct a  
          Hazard and Operability Study for the facility annually and augment the risk reduction schedule if  
     2.  The Plant Supervisor and Maintenance Supervisor will also conduct a review of the Risk Reduction 
           Implementation Schedule to evaluate implementation status of the RMP.  Results of these annual 
           reviews will be kept on file with other RMP records on-site. 
4.   Recordkeeping Procedures for the RMP 
     1.  All recordkeeping for the RMP is the responsibility of the Plant Supervisor.  This person will maintain 
          records of all revi 
sions to the RMP and insure that copies of all revisions are distributed to all  
          personnel responsible for implementating the RMP. 
      2.  All records relating to the RMP will be maintained for at least five years.  These records include the  
           1.)  Hazardous Material Inventories 
           2.)  Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection records 
           3.)  Employee Training records 
Section Vlll 
Certification By Qualified Person and Facility Operator 
I certify that I am qualified to attest to the validity of the Hazard and Operability studies performed for the RMP.  Additionally, I certify that the technical documents and information are a true reflection of the current status fo the AHM-handling equipment at Farmington Packing. 
________________________                                                _________________________ 
Patrick C. McCaig                                                                
Plant Supervisor 
_________________________                                                _________________________ 
Consulting Licensed Contractor                                               Date 
I certify that I am qualified to attest to the validity of the Hazard and Operability studies performed for this RMP.  Additionally, I certify that the technical documents and information are a true reflection of the current status of the AHM-handling equipment at Farmington Packing. 
__________________________                                               __________________________ 
Jim Carter                                                                                   Date 
Facility Manager
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