Bioproducts of Louisiana, LLC - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

27495 LDEQ Facility ID Number 
Bioproducts is a leader in animal agriculture through our knowledge of biochemistry, food science, manufacturing and animal nutrition. Our headquarters is located in Fairlawn, Ohio with many locations throughout the United States. We have been improving feed performance since 1927.Our facility in St Gabriel is located on 23 acres on Hwy 30 in Iberville Parish. We utilize Ethylene Oxide and Trimethylamine to produce a liquid, nonhazardous product called Choline Chloride. 
As a member of CMA, Bioproducts is committed to providing a safe work place for our employees and being an environmentally responsible member of the community.The key to this is preventing releases.We will accomplish this by hiring and training highly skilled employees, utilizing state of the art process control systems and, above all, prioritize our actions based on the potential impacts to our employees and surrounding residents. In addition to the process control system and specially d 
esigned  equipment and safety systems, we utilize air monitors to alert us to any leak that may occur, enabling us to apply water deluge systems to mitigate the leaks and take other necessary actions. 
During our 20 months of operation we have had no RMP chemical releases. The worst case toxic scenario for our facility is the release of 273,915 pounds of Ethylene oxide in 10 minutes from our storage. With the use of administrative controls to limit the quantity in the storage, along with the installation of a berm, the distance potentially affected is 8.7 miles. The worst case flammable scenario is the release and ignition of 284,687 pounds of Trimethylamine from our storage tank in 10 minutes. The use of administrative controls to limit the quantity in the storage, results in a distance potentially affected of .5 miles. The toxic alternative release scenario is the release of 10,200 pounds of Ethylene oxide from a pipe leak that lasts 30 minutes. Utilizing process controls and active  
water mitigation,the distance potentially affected is .6 miles. The flammable alternative release scenario is the release and ignition of 20,040 pounds of Trimethylamine from a pipe leak in 30 minutes. Utilizing process controls and active water mitigation, the distance potentially affected is less than .1 miles. 
In the unlikely event of these types of releases, our operating personnel are fully hazmat trained to respond quickly and decisively. Following OSHA's Process Safety Management guidelines is a key element of our program.Our commitment to protecting the environment, our employees and surrounding residents will continue to be an integral part of our operating philosophy and our goal of continuous improvement.
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