SMG/ Scott Petersen - Executive Summary |
Executive Summary A. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE POLICIES The emergency response procedures are detailed in the Scott Petersen Emergency Response Plan and Procedures. These plans are designed to meet the following objectives: 1) To save lives. 2) To minimize and avoid injuries. 3) To protect the environment. 4) To minimize property damage The Emergency Response Plan and Procedures provides the reporting and notification procedures, evacuation procedures, and mitigation procedures that may be implemented to ensure operators respond effectively to an emergency situation. In preparing this RMP report all necessary records were reviewed for this submission, and the submission date used in the report for up-dates. B. STATIONARY SOURSE AND REGULATED SUBATANCE The Scott Petersen facility is a processed meat operation that produces hot dogs, sausage and luncheon meats. At this facility ammonia is used for refrigera tion. The ammonia refrigeration system is a closed system that cycles the refrigerant, or ammonia, from liquid to gas and back to liquid again. The system consisting of vessels, piping, valves, and process equipment, cycles ammonia through various physical states (high pressure liquid, low pressure liquid, low pressure vapor, high pressure vapor, then back to high pressure liquid) in order to provide refrigeration for product and process equipment. Changes in pressure are directly related to changes in temperature: lowering the ammonia pressure lowers the temperature. Low-pressure (cold) liquid ammonia provides refrigeration by removing ambient heat. Removal of ambient heat causes the liquid ammonia (contained within the system) to vaporize. Heat is later removed from the ammonia as it is condensed back to a liquid. Typical operating conditions range from approximately 0 psig on the low-pressure side of the system to 170 psig on the high side. Ammonia is used as the refrigeration pro cess. The maximum intended inventory of ammonia is 14,000 pounds. C. HAZARD ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Worst Case Release Result Summary Scenario Description: Release of the maximum quantity of ammonia that can be stored in a vessel (accounting for administrative controls) -12000 pounds in 10 minutes. No passive mitigation measures were used. The most pessimistic meteorological conditions were used: 1.5 meters/second wind speed, and F stability. The EPA RMP Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration reference tables and equations were used. Distance to toxic endpoint: The one time weighted average concentration of 200 ppm (0.14mg/L) reached 0.9 miles. Alternative Release result Summary Scenario Description: A .25inch diameter leak of high-pressure liquid line on the roof. The EPA RMP Guidance for Ammonia Refrigeration reference tables and equations were used. Distance to Toxic Endpoint: The one hour time weighted average concentration of 200 ppm (0.14 mg/L) reaches 0.1 mile. D. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION PROGFRAM AND CHEMICAL SPECIFIC PREVENTION STEPS. This facility operates in accordance with the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIRA) guidelines and standards including the following. IIRA Bulletin 107, Suggested Safety and Operating Procedures When Making Ammonia Refrigeration Plant Tie-ins. IIRA Bulletin 109, Minimum Safety Criteria for a Safe Ammonia Refrigeration System. IIRA Bulletin 110 Start-up Inspection and Maintenance of Ammonia Mechanical Refrigeration Systems IIRA Guide to Good Practices for the Operation of an Ammonia Refrigeration System In addition the Scott Petersen facility has implemented a Process Safety Management program for compliance with OSHA regulation. This includes an initial Process Hazard Analysis study that is revalidated every five years. In addition the facility has a Mechanical Integrity program that includes checklists for equipment inspections. E. FIVE YEAR ACCIDENT HISTORY There have been no reported releas es of ammonia at this facility over the last five years (JUNE 21, 1994 through June 21,1999). F. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM If evacuation of Scott Petersen is necessary, the plant will evacuate according to the plant evacuation procedure. Emergency assembly areas are to the north of the facility in the parking lot. The plant superintendent and department supervisors are responsible for assuring all employees are evacuated and accounted fore. Notification of evacuation is announces over the intercom, or in the event of a power failure a runner will be sent to each department. In the event of an ammonia release the maintenance manager or maintenance supervisor on shift will coordinate the response procedure. They will inform the superintendent of the areas that require evacuation. In the event of a whole plant evacuation the maintenance supervisor will coordinate the movement of employees to the appropriate assembly areas. G. PLANNED CHANGES TO IMPROVE SAFETY The changes that hav e come from the review of all records pertaining to the facility PSM/ RMP are expected to be completed by September of 1999 are. Up-grade of the computer control for the refrigeration system, allowing more centralized control of the system. Modem to monitor and control the refrigeration system from off site of the facility. |