Bozzuto's, Inc. Warehouse Distribution Facility - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Bozzuto's, Inc. 
400 Industrial Avenue 
Cheshire, CT  06410 
Anhydrous Ammonia 
Bozzuto's, Inc. is a wholesale food distributor based in the Cheshire community for over thirty-five (35) years.  In August of 1995, Bozzuto's completed construction of a state of the art warehouse distribution center.  Among its numerous advantages, this distribution center utilizes the many benefits of ammonia as a refrigerant in its new refrigeration system.  Bozzuto's does recognize ammonia as a potentially hazardous chemical, and this was a consideration when selecting the refrigerant for the facility. In consideration of the risks associated with the use of ammonia,  Bozzuto's decided to commit its efforts to ensuring its employees and surrounding community continue to enjoy a healthy and safe environment.  Part of its efforts include: 
>       Employing only skilled refrigeration technicians; 
>       C 
ontracting with only experienced ammonia refrigeration contractors; 
>       Organizing an in house Emergency Response Team; 
>       Frequent emergency response exercises with the Cheshire Fire Department; 
>       Partnering with a hazardous materials release contractor; and 
>       Communicating all activities with the Cheshire Town Manager, who is the designated Local 
        Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC). 
Accidental release prevention is the approach Bozzuto's has taken to minimize and possibly eliminate the potential for an accidental release.  Bozzuto's incorporates ongoing preventive maintenance and equipment integrity procedures.  Some of the programs included are: 
>       Process Safety Management, 
>       Hazard Communication, and 
>       Lockout / Tagout. 
Bozzuto's maintains a twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week coverage of trained Emergency Operators.  If an emergency were to arise, the no 
tifier will dial an emergency extension and be connected to an Emergency Operator.  The Emergency Operator will gather the information and initiate the Emergency Response Plan. 
Having this continuous coverage reduces the response time in an emergency condition, thereby minimizing the consequences. 
Under the rules of Risk Management, there are very strict guidelines when modeling a worst-case scenario of an ammonia release.  Processes are forced to assume parameters (i.e. release scenarios, release rates, weather conditions, time of day, etc.) that would occur in the most adverse conditions, collectively resulting in the greatest dispersion area, hence the term "worst-case".  Therefore, the largest vessel or pipe that may contain the greatest amount of ammonia must be used in the modeling. 
In Bozzuto's refrigeration process, the high pressure receiver has the capacity to hold 28,000 lbs. of ammonia.  During normal operation, however, this receiver contai 
ns approximately 9,000 lbs. of ammonia.  Under certain maintenance operations, this receiver may be completely filled with ammonia.  It is because of these infrequent conditions that a 28,000 lb. ammonia release must be used in the modeling. 
The calculations used in the model identify a 2.6 mile radius to toxic endpoint.  This does not mean fatalities will occur at a distance up to 2.6 miles from the release, but there could be some kind of lasting impact on health within that distance. 
Risk Management allows a process to consider a more realistic, under normal conditions, approach to a release scenario when mapping dispersion areas.  In the alternative release scenario Bozzuto's chose, an overpressure condition resulting in a relief valve activation was analyzed.  As a result, a much smaller radius to toxic endpoint of 0.06 miles was predicted. 
Bozzuto's takes accidental release very seriously.  Bozzuto's accide 
ntal release prevention programs include: 
>       Process Safety Management, 
>       Hazard Communication, 
>       Lockout / Tagout, and 
>       Risk Management. 
Through a Process Hazard Analysis, Bozzuto's tries to identify a potential accidental release condition by asking "What If" a certain scenario were to occur, a piece of equipment were to fail, etc.?  Solutions are then developed to prevent or limit these conditions from happening. 
If an incident were to happen, an investigation would take place, and new procedures would be implemented so a similar occurance could be prevented. 
All Bozzuto's prevention programs are audited at regular intervals to validate their effectiveness; the objective is to be proactive in preventing accidental releases, not reactive. 
Bozzuto's is proud of the fact there have been no accidents related to an ammonia release since startup in 1995.  With the current practice of education, preventive maintenance, and commitment 
, Bozzuto's strives to minimize the potential for any accidents in the future. 
Bozzuto's Emergency Response Plan is organized in multiple levels of response, many of which are by trained Bozzuto's employees.  The Emergency Reponse Team is the core of the response plan.  This team is trained in the Emergency Response Plan procedues and thier implementation.  The Emergency Response Team meets once a month to practice procedures and discuss new and improved methods of response.  Among the many benefits of having a trained in house response team are reduced response time, and more immediate decision making capabilities, these qualities greatly contribute to minimizing the effects in the event of an actual emergency. 
The Cheshire Fire Department has indicated that it will respond within five minutes to an emergency.  They are an important part of Bozzuto's Emergency Response Plan, and are active in response exercises. 
In an effort to keep its plan current, Bozzu 
to's is operating with the second revision of its detailed Emergency Response Plan.  This further evidences Bozzuto's commitment to an improved level of safety for its employees and community. 
Bozzuto's is continually looking for new ways of improving the safety level of its employees and community.  Bozzuto's and the Cheshire Fire Department, recently partnered with an experienced hazardous materials spill contractor.  The intention of the partnership is to provide Bozzuto's additional specific expertise in the field of hazardous materials release procedures and prevention.  Continuing discussions and exercises are planned to ensure an efficient and prompt response time. 
This past year, Bozzuto's has made significant progress in reaching out to the community.  Among its efforts include ongoing communication with the LEPC of its commitment to employee and community health and safety.
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