| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The owners, management, and employees of Lewis Seed & Fertilizer, Inc. are committed to the prevention of any accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia. If an accidental release should occur, the facilty is prepared to work with the local fire company, or other authorities, to mitigate any release and minimize the impact of the release to people and the environment. 
The primary activity at the facility is the storage of fertilizers for sale to farmers. Anhydrous ammonia is recieved, stored, and distributed for crop production nutrients. The maximum quanity stored would be 132,000  pounds in our 30,000 gallon storage tank.  
The worst-case release scenario would be the release of the total contents of a storage tank released as a gas over 10 minutes. The maximum quanity  released would be 132,000 pounds, which represents the volume of the storage tank at 85 percent capacity as limited by design standards. The distance to the endpoint ( point of dispersion to 200 ppm) is 2.5 miles. 
alternative release scenario based on a the five year accident history  is a release from a break in a transfer hose. The distance to the endpoint ( point of dispersion to 200 ppm) is .83 miles. 
The facility is heavily regulated by  DOT, EPA, OSHA and the Kansas Department of Agriculture who inspects our faciliy on an annual basis. We have implemented their regulations  into our operation. In addition our employees that handle anhydrous ammonia have gone through extensive training. For the  reasons listed above and the safety culture we have developed in our daily business activity, we have achieved an excellent safety record.  
There have been no accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia in the past five years that: have caused any deaths, injuries, or significant property damage at the facility; nor to our knowledge, have resulted in offsight deaths, injuries, evacuations, sheltering in place, property damage, or environmental damage. 
The facility has implemented a written emergency 
action plan, in accordance with OSHA. We have provided state and local authorities with the quanities, location and types of hazardous materials we handle.  Safety improvements are an on-going process at the facility. Periodic evaluations are performed to assess the maintenance and safe conditions. Our goal is to safely and effectively serve the community we operate in and deliver excellent service to our customers.
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