JEROME CHEESE CO. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

It is the policy of DAVISCO, Jerome Cheese Co. to adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws. If an emergency were to occur, it is our policy to handle it in-house with our response team with assistance from management and our safety team. Depending on the magnitude of the emergency the response team coordinator has a list of outside agency's that may be utilized. If any outside agency's are requested for assistance any plant safety equipment, the safety team and the response team are available to help in any way needed. To help in the prevention of an accidental release all equipment, valves, controls etc. are set up on  a preventive maintenance program. This program is set up according to maintenance recommendations from the equipment manufactures. Other parts of this program are a comprehensive predictive maintance program which consists of evaluating the vibration of every motor and rotating piece of equipment and an annual predictive mainaenance consisting of comprehe 
nsive thermographic inspection of all electric power components. This program is monitored and updated by the maintenance supervisor as needed. 
This facility is a cheese making plant. We take in milk direct from farmers in the area and process it into cheese and then further process the by-products from the cheese making process. We use ammonia for cooling both our raw and finished products. Our ammonia sysyem contains approximately 12,000 lbs. of ammonia. The compressors and some of the associated equipment are housed in a room by themselves. 
The worst case scenario for our plant would be if the high pressure receiver would rupture and we would lose all the ammonia in the system. This scenario would take place in the compressor room which is seperated from the rest of the plant by a normaly closed door, equipped with a sprinkler system and the drain from this room goes into a holding pond 50 feet awayfrom the building in case any liquid would be released. The amount of people affect 
ed by this scenario would depend on the time of day and the weather conditions.
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