Anthony Ragnone Waste Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

In this wastewater treatment facility, we handle chlorine and sulfur dioxide, which is considered hazardous by the Environmental Protection Agency.  Chlorine is a effective tool used in the disinfection of the treated wastewater before it is discharged in to the recieving waters and sulfur dioxide is used to remove residual chlorine before it is discharged into the recieving waterway.  The chemical properties of these valuable tools make it necessary to observe certain safety precautions in handling chlorine and sulfur dioxide to prevent unnecessary human exposure, to reduce the threat to our own personal health as well as our co-workers and reduce the threat to nearby members of the community.  It is our policy to adhere to all applicable Federal and Sate rules and regulations.  Safety depends upon the manner in which we handle chlorine and sulfur dioxide combined with safety devices inherent in the design of this facility combined with safe handling procedures that we use and the tra 
ining of our personnel.  Our Emergency response program is based upon the Chlorine Institute's safety handbook "Emergency Response Plans for Chlorine Facilities."  The emergencyresponse plan includes procedures for notification of Genesee County Water & Waste Service's Emergency Response Team, the local fire authority, local medical facilities, local police departments and notification of potentially affected neighbors.     Genesee County Anthony Ragnone Treatment Plant uses chlorine and sulfur dioxide.  These regulated substances are stationary sources and are located at the chemical feed building at the West side of the wastewater treatment plant property.  The emergency Response plan and on-site Emergency Plan for Genesee County Anthony Ragnone Treatment plant utilizes the Montrose Township Volunter Fire Department, the Genesee County LEPC and our own internal HAZMAT teams.  Activation of these plans would take place under any type of release scenario.  Genesee County Anthony Ragone 
Treatment Plant has a minimal history in regards to any type of accidental release.  The treatment facility status under RMP falls under program three process which requires a worst case scenario and an alternative scenario which is included.  Accidental release prevention includes:  two main procedures for changing chlorine and sulfur dioxide ton containers, inspection of the feed systems three times or more per day, and a chlorine leak alarm system on both the chlorination feed room and the tank area.  The sulfur dioxide area is also monitored with alarms.  The alarm systems is inspected daily and calibrated every six months or more often as needed.  Calibration records for these tasks can be found in the plant preventative maintenance program.   Planned changes for this program include: 1) Automatic closing valve actuators for the chlrine tanks  2) A chlorine sensor in the basement of the building 3)  Upgrade Sulfur Dioxide detector  4)  Audible alarm outside bulding for leaks  5)  
Alarm indication improvements using both lights and sound.
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