Sunmet, Inc. - Del Rey Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Sunmet, Inc. was incorporated in December 1997. We grow, pack, ship and sell tree fruit (peaches, plums and nectarines), apples, as well as grapes.  
Regulated Substance:  
The only toxic substance we handle above the federal threshold levels is Anhydrous Ammonia.  We use anhydrous ammonia refrigeration systems to keep our product cold after harvest.  Since the product we handle is considered "perishable" the refrigeration helps to prolong its shelf life.   
Safety Features:   
In order to maintain the highest level of safety with our refrigeration systems we utilize only certified, licensed companies and contractors in the design, installation and maintenance of our systems.  There are multiple safety features built into the system to keep risks at a minimum.  This system is monitored by a computer.  Abnormal changes in temperature, pressure, etc. triggers our security guard.   
Accident History:   
We have had one reported accident in the last 5 years.  The accident  
occurred in April of 1997 at 10:00 a.m.  There were no onsite or offsite injuries, property loss, deaths, exposures, etc. although first responder personnel evacuated employees at the plant as a precautionary measure.  The Anhydrous Ammonia release was 40 pounds.  There have been no accidents since that date. 
Worst-Case Scenario: 
When utilizing the EPA provided RMP COMP modeling software for the worst case scenario, the distance calculated to the toxic endpoint was 2.0 miles.  This is unlikely since there are several controls built into the refrigeration system to mitigate this type of release. 
Alternative-Case Scenario: 
The EPA modeling software for the alternative-case scenario calculated the distance to toxic endpoint at 0.2 miles.   
Emergency Response: 
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection would be the First Responders for an emergency response for this facility. We have recently completed a walk-through inspection of  this plant with the fire department.   
Planned changes:   
We plan to have follow up training with our anhydrous ammonia supplier concerning safety hazards, handling procedures,  maintenance procedures, etc.  We also plan to update our forklift operating training, lockout/tagout, etc.   We utilize the IIAR Bulletin 109 Checklist for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems to complete routine inspections of our plant.
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