EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Kinkaid Area Water System (KAWS) is a regional supplier of potable water to approximately 25,000 consumers. The water plant is northwest of the City of Murphysboro, County of Jackson, in the State of Illinois. The regulated substance is chlorine gas. KAWS uses one-ton chlorine gas cylinders for disinfecting and oxidation of contaminants found in the water source. KAWS can have up to 9,000 lbs. of chlorine gas on the site. KAWS approach to safety is an ongoing process. A Management Document is included in our RMP to show the management's commitment to safety and implementation of safe procedures. We give each operator a protective chemical suit, boots, and a half mask particle respirator at time of employment. Collectively, each operator has access to full-face particle respirators; full-face shields, emergency shower and eye wash station and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Training and uses of the equipment are given during their six-month probationary period. Material safety data sheets (MSDS) and operation and maintenance procedures are also provided at this time. Periodically, we provide refresher courses on safety and operational procedures. The worst case scenario for a one-ton chlorine gas cylinder using EPA's RMP Guidance for Waste Water Treatment Plants, Reference Tables or Equations is three (3) miles. This is based on the following parameters. Quantity released: 2,000 lbs., Release rates: 200 lbs./min., Release duration: 10 minutes, Wind speed: 1.5 m/sec., Atmospheric Stability Class: F, and Topography: rural. The estimated residential population within distance to the endpoint is 774. However, the population will increase significantly during the boating and camping seasons due to the recreational facilities in the three-mile radius. It is difficult to conceive that the worst case scenario will occur at the water plant. The alternate scenario is offered a s a more likely occurrence. The alternate case scenario uses the EPA's RMP Comp when there is a ruptured disk or relief valve failure with the following additions. We equipped the chlorine building with an Acute 35 chlorine gas detector system with dual sensors. Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. manufactured the Acute 35 chlorine gas detector system. On the chlorine cylinder, we attached an automated chlorine shut-off valve manufactured by Powell Fabrication & Manufacturing, Inc. This valve works automatically with the Acute 35 chlorine gas detector system, or there is an emergency shut-off push switch on the outside of the chlorine building. A vacuum type regulator-check unit and a V-notched chlorinator manufactured by Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. regulate the chlorine. This additional equipment and the alarm set point of the Acute 35 chlorine gas detector system at one (1) PPM will provide no off-site consequences. When chlorine gas is detected at one (1) PPM the Powell automated shut-off va lve closes, audible and visual alarms activate, and an exhaust fan turns on at a rate of 2082 CFS. The mixture is below one percent at the injector where chlorine gas mixes with water. At this point the threshold quantity of chlorine gas no longer need be considered. With the above equipment in place and an ongoing maintenance schedule that we follow, KAWS has not had an accidental release of chlorine gas within the past five years. KAWS operators will handle any incidental releases (no off-site consequences) of chlorine gas. Although the chlorine gas will be below 3 PPM, the operators will still be wearing chemical resistant suits and SCBA equipment as a precaution. KAWS operators have been shown the basics of the Kit B chlorine repair kit (for ton cylinders). If there is a major gas release, the operators are instructed to call 911. Our operator would have to tell the 911 dispatcher that Kinkaid has a major chorine leak that will have off-site consequences and the Jackson County EOC (emergency operation center) should be activated. The Jackson County Emergency Management Agency has developed chain-of-command and emergency guideline procedures for all emergency contingencies in Jackson County. The County fire departments are to respond to any hazardous-material control. If there were a major chlorine release at Kinkaid Water Plant, the Ava Fire Department would be notified first since KAWS is in their district. The Ava Fire Chief would be the Incidental Commander (Fire Chief in charge) and would inform the EOC (emergency operation enter) of the status of the disaster at the scene. He can also call in any assistance as needed. The Ava Fire Department has visited our chlorine facilities and is familiar with our equipment and operation. Under the direction of the Incidental Commander, the EOC would coordinate any evacuation, emergency medical services, public notification, etc. procedures. KAWS have submitted all information required under EPCRA (Emer gency Planning and Community Right- to-Know) Act of 1986 to the Jackson County Emergency Management Agency. This information includes but is not exclusive to the MSDS for chlorine gas and evacuation plans. |