Texarkana Water Utilities I. P. Chlorine Building - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The International Paper Raw Water Chlorination Station is a facility to pre-chlorinate raw surface water from Wright Patman Reservoir, prior to treatment at a conventional water treatment plant whose water is used in paper production and for potable consumption. The station is a municipally owned and operated facility by the City of Texarkana, Texas, located near the eastern shore of Wright Patman Reservoir. The facility's only activity is the pre-chlorination of raw surface water. 
Liquid chlorine, stored in one ton cylinders, is the only chemical used at the site. Up to four cylinders are manifolded together and used in the process. 
Liquid chlorine is the only chemical used in sufficient quantity at the facility to be regulated under the RMP program. Up to fourteen (14) one ton cylinders are stored on site at any one time with no more than two cylinders, piped independently, used in the process. 
Texarkana Water Utilities is dedicated to the safe and proper handling of chemicals nec 
essary for the production of drinking water and treatment of wastewater for its citizens. Utility management has consistently budgetd and the elected bodies of the two Texarkana's have consistently approved funds to support personnel and citizen safety preventative maintenance training, chemical awareness and handling, emergency response and equipment related to chemicals used at the facility. 
The worst case scenario considers the release of 2000 lbs of chlorine from a one ton cylinder in ten (10) minutes. The dispersion model ALOHA (Area Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres), which is recognized by EPA's RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis (OCA) Guidance, was used to determine the distance to the toxic endpoint for chlorine. Using digital census block files in conjunction with digital area maps, offsite impacts on population, public receptors and environmental receptors were analyzed. The estimated residential population within the distance to endpoint is 420, and at lease one school, res 
idence, recreation area and major industrial site is found within the distance to endpoint. None of the listed environmental receptors are known to be found within the distance to endpoint. 
Several training and procedural methods make a worst case release unlikely.  Highly trained personnel and an extensive preventative maintenance program keep all chlorination equipment in like new condition. The chlorination room is monitored by a remote chlorine gas detector and alarm set at 3 ppm. Safety procedures, including those associated with chlorine are standardized through written Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). Chlorine cylinder repair kits are kept at several locations in the system. 
The American Water Works Association publication Compliance Guidance and Model Risk Management Program for Water Treatment Plants, was used in the selection of an alternative release scenario. Scenario I.D. CLA-3 was chosen, as most closely approximating a possible release at this facility. Site spec 
ific data was substituted in the ALOHA model and analyzed. The alternative release scenario considers the release of 317 lbs., over a sixty (60) minute period due to the failure of a transfer hose. The same methods were used in the analysis of the alternative scenario as were used for the worst case. The estimated residential population within the distance to the endpoint is 38. There are residences, recreational areas and major commercial areas located within the distance to endpoint. None of the listed environmental receptors are located within the distance to endpoint. 
For the same reasons listed for the worst case scenario, even this type of release is highly unlikely. The accidental release prevention program is predicated on well informed, well trained employees. The facility makes use of written, video and classroom training from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Arkansas Department of Health, Chlorine Institute, The American Water Works Association and the Wa 
ter Environment Association. Facility management has developed written standard operational procedures for all chemical equipment and chemical handling. These SOP's set up and require extensive preventative maintenance programs that provide frequent checks and keep equipment in like new condition. Gas detection and alarm devices are used to provide early alert to any chlorine releases. 
There have been no reportable chlorine releases or accidents for a period exceeding five (5) years largely due to the previously described steps taken by Texarkana Water Utilities Management. 
The Utility is included in the written community emergency response plan and maintains a close working relationship with the local Emergency Management Office. The facility has its own written emergency response plan and participate in site-specific, multi-agency response drills. Boots and Coots, a company which maintains a Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) team, is available to back up  
and respond to any chemical release. The International Paper emergency response team will also respond to a chemical release at this location. 
The Utility is currently considering the possibility of the installation of a chlorine gas absorption unit to mitigate a release. The Utility has a geographic information system base map that is being developed to assist utility, fire, police and emergency management personnel in prevention and response planning for any chemical release.
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