| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The accidental release prevention and emergency release policies at the stationary source. 
    The City of Morganton operates a water treatment plant on the Catawba River which utilizes chlorine as a disinfectant in the production of drinking water.  Chlorine is stored in the plant and used in one ton cylinders 24 hours a day and seven days a week.  Chlorine is the only chemical that Morganton uses in the threshold quantities as pertains to 40 CFR Part 68.130 Table 1.  Likewise chlorine is the only chemical that met OSHA's requirements for process safety management.  This document is intended to satisfy all requirements for the Risk Management Plan Clean Air Act 112(r). 
    Morganton has adopted emergency response plans as well as process safety management program has been recently reviewed and revised to handle emergency situations. 
The stationary source and regulated substances handled 
    Chlorine is the only regulated chemical on the plant grounds, two ton cylinders are used at 
one time.   
Storage of cylinders includes includes at any one time ten full cylinders.  Maximum storage on site would be 20,000 pounds of liquid chlorine. 
Worst case release scenarios and the alternative release scenarios including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distances for each reported scenario. 
    Worst case scenario is a situation where a full cylinder ruptures due to tank failure, or corrosions etc. 
Alternative leak is to have valve leak.  Sensors located in the chlorine feed area are stationed to alert personnel to respond to this situation.  Most frequent problem would be with the valve working incorrectly and plant personnel responding to fix this minor leak. 
The general accidental release prevention program and chemical specific prevention steps 
    Morganton recently revised their process safety management program to enhance safety with the chlorine feed facility. 
The five year accident history 
    There was no accident in the last five 
years that went off site that resulted in death, injuries, evacuat 
ions,sheltering in place, property damage, or enviromental damage. 
The emergency response program 
    Personnel are trained in the use of the chlorine kit "b", SCBA are worn 10 minutes per month to maintain comfort levels as part of the respiratory protection program.  Chlorine safty training is conducted on an annual basis.  Morganton Department of Public Safety recently trained (Hazmat team) with mock chlorine cylinders.  Morganton Dept. of Public Safety consitute 80 to 90% of Burke County hazwoper responders. 
Planned changes to improve safety  
    A revised PSM program recommended the installation of a wind sock which has been installed to give hazwoper responders, local residents, or businesses wind direction information should a leak occur.
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