BMD Enterprises, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

BMD Enterprises, Inc. has an emergency action plan in effect.  The Emergency Action Plan (Plan) is detailed in the Emergency Planning and Response section of this PSM/RMP document.  This Plan was designed to meet the following objectives: 
1.) To save lives. 
2.) To minimize and avoid injuries. 
3.) To protect the environment. 
4.) To minimize property damage. 
BMD Enterprises, Inc. maintains a safety committee whose members are the designated emergency coordinators for the facility.  The Plan provides the response organization and notification procedures, evacuation routes, chlorine health hazards, and mitigation procedures which will be implemented to respond effectively to emergency situations that may arise at the facility.  This Plan was reviewed and updated at least once per year.  This Plan will be reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with the PSM, RMP, and CalARP regulations, and to ensure that the plan is kept cu 
Startup of the chlorine system occurred on 1972.  The process is located at 4959 East Dakota Avenue, Fresno, California 93727.  The chlorine transfer process for BMD Enterprises, Inc. consists of chlorine one-ton containers which are the storage vessels.  Chlorine liquid is dispensed from the one ton container through a filling manifold to a 20 pound cylinder.  The maximum quantity of chlorine on site is 10,400 pounds. 
Worst Case Release Result Summary 
Scenario Description: Release of the maximum quantity of chlorine that can be stored in a vessel - 2,000 pounds in 10 minutes.  No passive mitigation measures were used.  The most pessimistic meteorological conditions were used: 1.5 meters/second wind speed, and F stability.  The reference table from the EPA's RMP Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants was used to find the distance for the worst case release scenario.  This release reaches off-site and may  
affect population receptors.  No Environmental receptors were affected by the potential release scenario. 
Alternative Release Result Summary 
Scenario Description: A release of chlorine gas from 5/16 inch diameter leak.  The release rate of chlorine due to the pressure of the tank is 72 pounds/minute.  The meteorological conditions used were 3 meters/second wind speed, and D stability.  The reference table from the EPA's RMP Guidance for Wastewater Treatment Plants was used to find the distance for the alternate release scenario.  This release reaches off-site and may affect population receptors.  No Environmental receptors were affected by the potential release scenario. 
BMD Enterprises, Inc. has a Process Safety Management program in place to manage the handling of chlorine.  In addition, common industry standards, policies, and procedures are utilized to ensure safe practices are being performed.  This i 
ncludes common practices outlined by the Chlorine Institute and the National Association of Gas Chlorinators. 
The accident history researched back five years to June 1994 shows that the BMD Enterprises, Inc. has not had an accidental release or "near miss" of chlorine. 
The BMD Enterprises, Inc. has an emergency response plan in effect at the facility.  The Emergency Response Plan (Plan) is detailed in the Emergency Planning and Response section of the PSM/RMP document.  This Plan was designed to meet the following objectives:  
1.) To save lives. 
2.) To minimize and avoid injuries. 
3.) To protect the environment. 
4.) To minimize property damage. 
The BMD Enterprises, Inc. maintains a safety committee whose members include the emergency coordinators for the facility.  The Plan provides the response organization and notification procedures, evacuation routes, and mitigation procedures which will be implemented to respond effective 
ly to emergency situations that may arise at the facility.  
The Plan also includes the Emergency training for all BMD Enterprises, Inc. employees.  BMD Enterprises, Inc. performs periodic emergency evacuation drills to enhance the emergency response skills of its personnel. 
The Emergency Response Plan is reviewed and updated by the BMD Enterprises, Inc. responsible person, Mr. Todd Yingling at least once a year.  This Plan will be review and updated to ensure compliance with the PSM, RMP, and CalARP regulations, and to ensure that the plan is kept current.  
The Hazard Analysis provided the mitigation measures outlined below to improve safety at BMD Enterprises, Inc.  The changes will be completed by March 1, 2000. 
R01 Post emergency telephone numbers in front of the main entrance to call in case of emergency. 
R02 Ensure that both one ton containers and 20 pound cylinders are secured fastened with chains. 
R03 Develop operating procedures on the c 
hlorine transfer process for BMD Enterprises operators. 
R04 Develop hot work permit procedures for the chlorine transfer system safety. 
R05 Conduct an emergency evacuation drill at the facility at least once a year and document the results. 
R06 Install a windsock at the facility to determine the wind direction. 
R07 Post floor plans and/or work place maps with evacuation instructions. 
R08 Assign responsibility for roll call during evacuation at the facility.  Ensure that the mangers understand that they will be required to account for the whereabouts of operators on site during an evacuation.
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