Farmers Grain & Supply Co. of Kiowa County Kansas - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Farmers Grain and Supply Company of Greensburg is an agricultural business designed and operated to serve our customers with their fertilizer needs.  Our facility is designed and maintained in accordance with local, state and federal rules and regulations.  Worst case scenario would release 1-26,000 gallon tank of Anhydrous Ammonia with a total release of 120,000 pounds with a distance to endpoint of 2.32 miles.  Estimated population in that radius would approximate nearly 1750 people.  Our public receptors would include schools, residences, hospital, and a public park.  Our employees are trained on a rotational basis with each of those who work with Anhydrous Ammonia going at least every three years.  The employees, also perform safety inspections at least twice per year on the main storage facility as well as the nurse tanks and hoses.  Farmers Grain and Supply has not experienced an injury accident within the last five years.  In the event of an emergency, the Greensburg Fire Depart 
ment will be notified and they've agreed to be our first responder.  The Fire Department has a copy of our Emergency Respnse Plan and is aware of the dangers of this facility.
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