Cullman Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

As part of the Management Program, certain items of construction will be accomplished.  All chlorine cylinders whether in operation or storage will be contained in an airtight structure.  The airtight structure is designed so that the loading of new or full cylinders will be passed directly to the receiving facility prior to acceptance from the vendor. The vendor is covered under THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION  and not theCAAS(r)(7).  The facility as tated above will be airtight and shall have at a minimum: (1) chlorine leak detectors, (2) automatic valve shut off system, and (3) air scrubbing unit.  The chlorine leak detectors will be located strategically so as to detect a leak in any part of the facility with a minimum amount of lapsed time.  A system of automatic shut off valbes is to be installed and will be triggered by a signal from a leak detector or by a panic button.  Panic buttons may be located in the chlorine room itself and at other locations outside the room.  An air s 
crubbing unit or air filter will be installed to clean the air of any chlorine as it exhausts from the facility.  The unit will be designed so as to clean the air in the entire facility based o the cubic feet of air in the facility.  The unit will be automatically triggered into action if a leak is detected.  When the air is clean in the facility, an "All Clear" signal will alarm.  The program as designed will contain any leak that may occur, warn personnel of the leak, shut off the cyllinder valves, and clean the air through filters so that no chlorine gas may escape outside of the contained area.  As part of the Management Program a continuing maintenance and inspection program of the chlorine handlling equipment will be conduted by the Safety Officer, Al Davis.  MSA Air Pack gas masks and disposable coveralls are at all times on site and are to be used in case of emergency of mechanical failure.  In any case, should a leak occur it will be contained in the airtight facility.  All ch 
lorine storage and usage shall be contained in an airtight facility with warning devices and air cleaning devices in operation.  The technical toxic end point of possible contamination shall be contained in the on site structure and will not be allowed outside the containment area.  Therefore, in the actual occurrence of a leak, the toxic atmosphere will be contained and will not reach any off site receptors as mentioned in the "Hazard Assessment" section of the report.  Due to the type and style of preventive program chosen and as described in the "Management Program" section of the report, there are no additional steps needed.
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