Ardmore Water Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The City of Ardmore, Oklahoma operates a water treatment plant located within the city limits in the northern part of town. This plant stores chlorine in one ton cylinders at the plant. The maximum in inventory is 12 tons and plant limits the maximum number of cylinders in use at anyome time to two. The maximum population within the area of the potential affect under a worst case release scenario is less than one thousand. There are no federal natural habitat facilities or  natural preserves located within the maximimum toxic endpoint radius. In the event of a significant release, the emergency will be handled through the Ardmore Fire Department. 
Executive Summary 
The City of Ardmore, Oklahoma operates a water treatment plant located within the city limits in the northern portion of the city. The plant uses chlorine to treat the citys drinking water for the city. 
The water treatment plant holds safety as its first priority, especially when it comes to chlorine. The maximum inventory 
is 12 tons and the water treatment plant limits the maximum number of cylinders in use at any one time to two. 
The worst case scenario for Ardmore Water Plant is a 1 ton cylinder resulting in an estimated Level of Concern [LOC] of 1.2 miles using the National Safety Councils ALOHA mapping program. The first alternate scenario represents the severing of a transfer hose [whip] from the cylinder to the header pipe. This has an estimated LOC of 0.99 miles and a release of approximately 1000 pounds. This alternate is the release scenario that is most likely to occur. The second alternate scenario is a release representative of a culmination of both of the previous scenarios. This could occur if a tank ruptured and other tanks were able, due to failure of controls, to flow back along the header pipe and out the broken transfer hose [whip]. This would result in the release of approximately 1.5 tons of chlorine and result in a LOC footprint of 1.4 miles.  
The Ardmore Water Plant follows a  
strict operation, safety and maintenance programs to minimize the likelihood of an accident occurring at the facility. Because of the strict implementation of the above-mentioned programs, this facility has not had a release within the last five years. 
The Ardmore Water Plant holds training and refresher courses for the personnel at the facility regarding the chlorine system and its concerns and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). However, if an accident occurred, the Local Emergency Planning Committee [LEPC] and the Ardmore Fire Department would be notified and would respond immediately. 
The Ardmore Water Plant has no current plans to change the chlorine process in the foreseeable future.
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