Golden Gem Growers, Inc. - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

                   GOLDEN GEM GROWERS, INC. 
Golden Gem Growers, Inc. (Facility) is a citrus juice manufacturing facility (NAICS Code 311411) 
using one regulated substance, anhydrous ammonia (CAS Number 7664-41-7), as a refrigerant.  
Three processes at the facility use anhydrous ammonia in excess of the threshold quantity defined 
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) chemical accident prevention standard.  The 
three processes are listed below. 
 The Main Facility 
 The Ready to Serve (RTS) Facility 
 Freezers 5 and 6 
A hazard assessment was performed using the USEPA RMP*CompTM Model.  The worst-case 
release scenarios were assumed to be the total release of anhydrous ammonia from the high pressure 
receivers of each of the three processes over a 10 minute period.   The alternative release scenarios 
the Facility selected were failure scenarios developed during  process hazard reviews and analyses.  
For the three processes,  the alternative release scena 
rios occurred as a result of a 1/4-inch orifice 
developing in the bottom of the high- pressure receivers because of corrosion. 
Potential zones of impact were constructed for the selected release scenarios.  These zones were 
analyzed to provide estimates of the total population and public and environmental receptors that 
could potentially be exposed should the hypothetical releases occur.  Although off-site areas would 
be impacted by the releases, the Facility believes that safety procedures and mitigation measures will 
reduce the potential for off-site consequences and subsequent risks to the surrounding community.  
The Facility's safety devices include leak detectors, alarms, and automatic system shut-off features. 
In order to fulfill the requirements of the Risk Management Program (RMP), the Facility has 
developed an accidental release prevention program and emergency action plan. The accidental 
release prevention program satisfies the requirements for the USEPA RMP and the Occupat 
Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Process Safety Management (PSM) program.  The 
prevention program ensures that the Facility is operated under safe conditions and that any risk of 
an accidental release of anhydrous ammonia is minimized.  The program has been written to reduce 
the potential of an accidental release due to human error or equipment failure.  In order to prevent 
the release of anhydrous  ammonia due to human error, the Facility's prevention program ensures 
that operating procedures are current and reviewed annually.  Training also plays a vital part in the 
program.  Employees and contractors working near or on the three processes are required to be 
trained in the processes and the hazards of anhydrous ammonia.    
To prevent equipment failure that could result in a release, the Facility's program ensures that 
equipment inspections, tests, and preventive maintenance are performed in accordance with accepted 
engineering practices, manufacturer's recommendations 
, and planned maintenance schedules.   
All existing and proposed future equipment has been designed according to applicable standards and 
codes.  The Facility maintains records and documentation on equipment inspections and tests.  
Precautions are taken to ensure that new equipment and processes are inspected and tested, that all 
changes on the processes are authorized, and employees are informed of changes. 
The Facility performed Process Hazard Analyses (PHA) to address the facility hazards and to 
evaluate and control where the potential for a release exists.  Employees were involved in 
determining hazards of the processes and subsequent consequences.   
Active employee participation will ensure the success of the RMP at the Facility.  Employees have 
been assigned various tasks to ensure that all elements of the RMP are implemented.  The Facility 
has developed specific programs and forms to assist employees in performing, recording, and 
documenting the various elements of the RMP. 
In the event of a release, the Facility has implemented an Emergency Action Plan in compliance with 
29 CFR 1910.38.  The Facility is also included in the community emergency response plan.  
Employees at the Facility do not respond to accidental releases, but coordinate with outside 
responders.  Therefore, an Emergency Response Program is not required for the Facility.  In the 
event that an anhydrous ammonia release occurs, all employees are required to evacuate the area and 
report the incident.  The Emergency Action Plan consists of evacuation procedures, facility 
emergency numbers, and coordination with the Umatilla and Lake County Fire Departments.  The 
plan also addresses notification procedures to the public and the local emergency response agency.
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