Kentucky-American Water Company Kentucky River Sta - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

It is the intent of Kentucky-American Water Company (KAWC) to protect its employees as well as the communities it serves from the dangers that are associated with hazardous chemicals.  In order to achieve this goal at KAWC, specific controls, policies and procedures are in place to prevent and/or to minimize the risk to the community.  This program and the corresponding Process Safety Management Program (PSM), which has been in effect at KAWC since May 1993, are intended to prevent and minimize the impact of the accidental release of chlorine and ammonia.  KAWC developed the PSM and this RMP to include full employee particiation in this program.  Employees who are involved in working with covered chemical processes hae been involve d in all aspects of these programs including the process hazard analysis.  All affected employees have received training relative to performing their job as well as the technician level of hazardous waste operator training .  Employees involved included both 
union and management personnel from all areas of expertise including risk management, water quality, production and maintenance.  The following positions were instrumental in the implementation of both the PSM and the RMP: Director Loss Control, Director Water Quality, Kentucky River Station Water Quality Specialist and Operations Supervisor, Richmond Road Station WaterQuality Speialist and Operations Supervisor and union operating/maintenance personnel.  Written standard operating procedures have been developed for all treatment chemicals utilized by Kentucky-American Water Company.  The operating procedures for the hazardous chemicals in this plan, chlorine and ammonia, include steps to perform during normal and emergency operation limits, consequences of limit deviations, means to avoid such deviations, safety systems.  Kentucky-American previously participated in a Special Needs Meeting that was coordinated through the Fayette LEPC.  This meeting, which was held on April 25, 1996, 
provided members of the special needs ommunities, (i.e. hospitals,schools, malls, day cares, etc.) with information pertaining to the controls that Kentucky-American has in place to reduce the risk of a chemical release to the community.  A simular meeting,which will be open to the public, will be held on May 18, 1999.  This meeting will also be coordinated through the Fayette LEPC.
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