Bedford Illinois Street Water Treatment Plant - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The Bedford Illinois Street Water Treatment Plant is committed to providing a safe work environment for its employees and protecting the health of the surrounding community.  The Illinois Street Water Treatment Plant is located in the City of Bedford, Indiana.  Chlorine is the only RMP regulated substance at the facility and it is used for disinfection of drinking water. 
The worst-case release scenario was conducted based on the recommended EPA parameters.  The worst-case scenario consisted of a one-ton cylinder of chlorine gas being released in 10 minutes.  This resulted in a release rate of 200 pounds per minute.  The worst-case scenario resulted in off-site impact. 
The alternative release scenario is based on a bad connection with the 1-ton cylinder.  This would result in gaseous chlorine leaking out of the 5/16-inch valve body opening.  The release rate was 10.5 pounds per minute over a 60-minute duration.  The recommended EPA atmospheric parameters were used in the modeling.  Th 
e alternative release scenario resulted in off-site impacts. 
The Bedford Illinois Street Water Treatment Plant accidental release prevention program consists of all the required prevention program 3 elements.  In the past five years, the Bedford Illinois Street Water Treatment Plant has not had an accidental chlorine release as defined by the RMP criteria.  The facility is included under the community emergency response plan.  Appropriate mechanisms are in place to notify emergency responders.
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