North Central Ag - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

Executive Summary 
1.  Accidental release prevention and emergency response policies:  
In this distribution facility, we handle Anhydrous Ammonia, which is considered hazardous by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The same properties which make anhydrous ammonia a valuable fertilizer make it necessary to observe certain safety precautions during handling to prevent unnecessary human exposure, to reduce the threat to our own personal health as well as our co-workers, and to reduce the threat to nearby members of the community.  It is our policy to adhere to all applicable Federal and state rules and regulations.  Safety depends upon the manner in which we handle anhydrous ammonia combined with the safety devices inherent in the design of this facility combined with the safe handling procedures that we use and the training of our personnel.  
Our emergency response program is based on OSHA, NIOSHA and industry standards.  The emergency response plan includes procedures for not 
ification of local fire authorities, emergency response teams, and potentially affected neighbors.   
2. The stationary source and regulated substances handled. 
The primary purpose of this facility is the distribution of bulk anhydrous ammonia to agricultural retail customers.  Anhydrous ammonia is used as a fertilizer for agricultural commodities by our retail customers.  Anhydrous ammonia is received by truck (transport) and stored in one storage tank.  Anhydrous ammonia is distributed to retail customers by truck (bobtail) and certified tanks (fertilizer applicators).  This facility has equipment to unload transports and bobtails.  Access to the site and hazardous material is limited to authorized employees and authorized management personnel.   
The regulated substance handled at this facility is anhydrous ammonia. 
The maximum amount of anhydrous ammonia that can be stored at this plant is 30,000 gallons (156,000 lbs @ 520F) 
3. The worst-case release scenario(s) and the alterna 
tive release scenario(s), including administrative controls and mitigation measures to limit the distance for each reported scenario. 
Worst-case scenario: Failure of the largest storage tank when filled to capacity would release 25,500 gallons of anhydrous ammonia.  Industry regulations and company policy limits the maximum filling capacity of the tank to 85%.  It is assumed the entire contents of the tank would be released as a liquid, which would quickly change to a gas. The released contents would travel the path of least resistance causing a potential inhalation hazard for fire authorities, emergency response teams and neighbors.   
The distance of potential impact on people and the environment is 4.4-mile radius. 
Alternative scenario: A failure of transfer pipe/hose failure.  The excess flow valve and/or manual emergency shut-off valve stops flow allowing release of hose contents, while minimizing release of tank contents. 
Assuming two-minute duration of release, the distance o 
f potential impact on people and environment is .5 mile radius. 
4. The general accidental release prevention program and the specific prevention steps. 
This distribution facility complies with EPA's Accidental Release Prevention Rule and with all applicable state codes and local regulations. The stationary storage vessel is inspected and complies with the State of Oregon Building Codes: Division Boiler and Pressure Vessel Program.  All of our drivers and employees have been thoroughly trained using UNOCAL "Anhydrous Ammonia Safety" training  as well as UAP/AGRATEAM "Training for Safe Transportation of Hazardous Materials" certification.  
5. Five year accidental release history 
This facility has not had any accidental releases in the past five years. 
6. The emergency response program. 
The facility's emergency response program is based upon OSHA, NIOSHA, and industry standards.  This facilities emergency response/contingency plan has been discussed with Wasco county emergency respon 
se personnel, Dufur fire department, The Dalles fire department, and Wasco County Sheriffs Office.  
7. Planned changes to improve safety. 
This facility's storage and transfer equipment is updated and maintained in accordance with industry safety standards.  Plans include adequate maintenance of storage and transfer equipment to ensure safety to all employees, users,  and potentially affected neighbors.
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