Dyno Nobel Inc. (Donora Plant) - Executive Summary |
The Donora Plant of Dyno Nobel Incorporated is an ammonium nitrate manufacturing facility located near the intersection of Scott Street and Galiffa Drive in the city of Donora, Washington County, Pennsylvania. The plant is situated on the west bank of the Monongahela River. The site is bounded on the north by Nitrous Oxide Corporation, on the west by Norfolk Southern Railway Company railroad tracks, on the south by Elliott Support Services, and on the east by the Monongahela River. The facility is comprised of administrative/maintenance buildings, an acid plant complex, an ammonia storage complex, and a bulk prill complex all situated on a 31.5 parcel of land. It is the policy of Dyno Nobel to conduct its business in a socially responsible manner; to provide a safe and healthful work environment for its employees; to protect the environment; and to preserve corporate assets. Management, at all levels, is responsible and accountable for compliance with this policy. In observing this policy Dyno Nobel will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and corporate guidelines relating to health, safety, and environmental quality; evaluate the impact on safety, health and environment when developing new products, processes, and operating facilities; facilitate material recycling, waste minimization, and energy conservation; and work constructively with government agencies, community organizations and other interested parties in the fulifillment of corprate resposibility. The major raw ingredient for the production activities at this facility is anhydrous ammonia, which is also subject to OSHA's PSM regulations. There are 11 covered processes at this facility which involve anhydrous ammonia. 1. Ammonia Barge Unloading. Low temperature anhydrous ammonia is transported and unloaded at this facility into a low temperature storage tank. The worst case scenario models the release of the barge contents, and the alternative release models a transfer hose failure. No mit igation measures were considered for this process. 2. Ammonia Tank Car Unloading. High pressure ammonia is also received in tank cars and unloaded into high pressure storage tanks. The worst case scenario models the release of the tank car contents, and the alternative release models a transfer hose failure. No mitigation measures were considered for this process. 3. High Pressure Ammonia Transfer to Process. High pressure ammonia is transferred from storage to the process. The worst case scenario models a transfer pipe failure and the release of the tank contents, and the alternative release models a vapor release from a pipe. An administrative fill limit of 80% exists for the high pressure storage tanks, and a fill limit of 90% exists for the process work tanks. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 4. High Pressure Ammonia Storage. Ammonia is stored in high pressure tanks on site. The worst case scenario models the release of the tank conten ts, and the alternative release models a hole in the liquid space of the tank. An administrative fill limit of 80% exists for the high pressure storage tanks. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 5. Low Temperature Ammonia Transfer. Ammonia is transferred from a low temperature storage tank to a high pressure storage tank in preparation for the transfer to process. The worst case scenario models the release of the tank contents, and the alternative release models a vapor release from a pipe. An administrative fill limit of 80% exists for the high pressure storage tanks. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 6. Low Temperature Ammonia Storage. Ammonia is stored in a low temperature tank on site. The worst case scenario models the release of the tank contents, and the alternative release models an ammonia receiver failure. The low temperature storage tank has an administrative fill limit of 90% and a dike as mitigation measures for the worst case scenario. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 7. Ammonia Oxidation Process. Ammonia is oxidized as part of the production process. The worst case scenario models the release of the converter work tank contents, and the alternative release models a vapor release from a pipe. An administrative fill limit of 90% exists for the converter work tank. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 8. Neutralization Process. Ammonia is used in the neutralizer to produce ammonium nitrate solution. The worst case scenario models the release of the neutralizer work tank contents, and the alternative release models a vapor release from a pipe. An administrative fill limit of 90% exists for the neutralizer work tank. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 9. SullAir Prill Refrigeration. The ammonium nitrate prill manufacturing process requires the u se of an ammonia refrigeration unit for process air conditioning. The worst case scenario models the release of suction accumulator tank contents, and the alternative release models an ammonia receiver failure. The suction accumulator tank has an administrative fill limit of 90%. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 10. Prill Tower. The ammonium nitrate prilling process requires the use of ammonia for pH control in the tower. The ammonia source is a high pressure storage tank. The worst case scenario models the release of the storage tank contents, and the alternative release models vapor release from the pipe. An administrative fill limit of 80% exists for the high pressure storage tanks. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. 11. Ammonium Nitrate Solution Storage Tanks. This process draws ammonia from the neutralizer work tank. The worst case scenario models the release of the neutralizer work tank conten ts, and the alternative release models a vapor release from a pipe. An administrative fill limit of 90% exists for the neutralizer work tank. No mitigation measures were considered for the alternative release scenario. The accidental release prevention program is integrated into the Donora Plant's Process Safety Management Program and the Emergency Response Plan. Employees are annually trained in basic ammonia emergency response procedures. There have been no reportable releases or accidents in the previous 5 years of operation. The emergency response program includes a written Emergency Response Plan, employee training programs, off site emergency response, public and private communication procedures, and scheduled emergency response drills. The emergency response program undergoes a continuous improvement process, and is subject to annual internal auditing. Each year the Donora Plant conducts a comprehensive audit of the entire safety program. The safety program is modeled after the Det Norske Veritas International Safety Rating System. The audit identifies problem areas within the system, which serves as the basis for improving safety at the Donora Plant. |