TJ ELLISON WATER PLANT - Executive Summary

| Accident History | Chemicals | Emergency Response | Registration | Source | Executive Summary |

The City of Kings Mountain, North Carolina has operated the T. J. Ellison water treatment plant on Oak Grove Road near the lower end of Moss Lake since 1967, using chlorine as our disinfectant of choice. In this period of time we have had no releases effecting off-site parties, and only no releaces on-site except washer leaks when changing tanks, taken care of immediately. We fully intend to make every effort to continue this record. To this end, we are moving our storage/handling facility to a location away from the plant and in a position to allow any chlorine which might escape to be drawn toward the foot of the dam, where it has more time to dissapate. This will also provide a measure of safety for operators,  by allowing them to check the situation from a greater distance and thus be better prepared before approaching. This move will cost considerable expenditure of funds, but is another step toward protecting our personell as well as the public.
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